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Everything posted by schadler17

  1. Basically just makes sure it always runs local to the player, never on the server and always upon JIP.
  2. Didnt test the old code, problem was I used ( )'s instead of {} on the while code, and messed up on the case Default lol. Either way, this should work for you. (Wont work in Editor, since you don't have a GUID. It'll always return case Default and GUID will return _SP_PLAYER_) Call for it in initPlayerLocal.sqf [player] execVM "script.sqf"; _unit = _this select 0; _id = (getplayerUID _unit); while {true} do { sleep 3; switch (_id) do { case "76561197971387924": { [_unit,"EF_Germany"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; hint format ["UID: %1",_id]; }; case default { [_unit,""] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; // Should remove insignia if ID isn't supplied. hint format ["UID: %1",_id]; }; }; }; If you plan on using the same Insignia for multiple people, I can set up a different script that'll check their UID's from a pre-set array of multiple people using the same insignia. That way it'll be easier to manage. _unit = _this select 0; _pid = (getplayerUID _unit); _rank1 = ["76561197971387924", "76561197971387924"]; _rank2 = ["76561197971387924", "76561197971387924"]; while {true} do { sleep 3; _insignia = _unit call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia; if ((_pid in _rank1) && !(_insignia isEqualTo "EF_Germany")) then { [_unit,"EF_Germany"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; hint parsetext format ["Insignia:<br />%1<br /><br />UID:<br />%2", _insignia, _pid]; }; if ((_pid in _rank2) && !(_insignia isEqualTo "EF_Germany2")) then { [_unit,"EF_Germany2"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; hint parsetext format ["Insignia:<br />%1<br /><br />UID:<br />%2", _insignia, _pid]; }; }; Just fix the GUIDs in the arrays for _rank1/2 and the names of the insignias in each statement. You can remove the hints once your done checking the script. Helps to know when the if statement triggers properly. Will only trigger IF GUID is in specified Array AND if player has the wrong insignia, upon which it just sets it to the correct insignia.
  3. Good starting point for you. This isn't really efficient, but will update each ID's Insignia every 3 seconds with the one supplied. Even if they take a new one from the arsenal, it'll remove it and give the original one. For each new ID, just make a new case. _id = getplayerUID player; while (true) do { sleep 3; switch (_id) do { case "76561197971387924": { [player,"EF_Germany"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; }; case default: { [player,""] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; // Should remove insignia if ID isn't supplied. }; }; };
  4. Pretty sure the GUID needs to be in quotes? Not sure, but might work. Call it in initPlayerLocal.sqf if(getplayerUID player isEqualTo "76561197971387924") then { [player,"EF_Germany"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; };
  5. Wasn't even thinking, even when using an EH lmao. The only issue I see with this script is if the vehicle blows up, you'd need to kill the crew, which isn't really hard either.
  6. schadler17

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

  7. schadler17

    Item Taken Trigger

    Try this instead. if (_item isEqualTo "ACE_key_west")
  8. schadler17

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    You won't rot unless you make 0 attempt to pay back what you owe. They'd rather have you in debt for 20 years than to have you in prison for 10. In prison, they'd have to take care of you with their own money, while you make at-most 30 cents a day from your prison job. Have fun paying off your debt with that. In the end, before taking thousands of dollars from people who "donate" it, talk to a legal representative to make sure you're not gonna get fucked in the end, and if someone tries, atleast it shows that it wasn't intentional because it'd be on record that you atleast made an attempt to get information on the situation before it happened, so if anything, you'd hopefully get cut some kind of break(lol, jk its money were talking about here, no-one gives breaks when it comes to money.)
  9. schadler17

    Item Taken Trigger

    This addEventhandler ["Take", { _unit = this select 0; _container = this select 1; _item = this select 2; If (_item == "Classname") then { // code }; }]; That should work for what you need, cant really tell, wrote this from my ipad lol
  10. This should work. It will detect any vehicle not just helicopters/planes and needs to be looped somehow. But that'll put you in the right direction. _unit = this select 0; if (vehicle _unit != player) then { _unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {0}]; };
  11. schadler17

    need help for a Safezone script

    Create the marker ingame, then call for the script in init.sqf or initPlayerLocal.sqf, however you prefer. But yeah, make your own .sqf to call for
  12. schadler17

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Lol about 50% of the donations went towards himself, only to be put in debt afterwards.
  13. schadler17

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    The guilt shows through.
  14. Condition: (daytime >= 18 OR daytime <= 6) On Act: f1 inFlame true; f2 inFlame true; f3 inFlame true; f4 inFlame true; etc. On Deact: f1 inFlame false; f2 inFlame false; f3 inFlame false; f4 inFlame false; etc. Will light all fires simultaneously, and also remove them when daytime comes. (Make sure triggers are set to repeatable) Or, make two triggers and have one set up for deactivating the flames. Condition: !(daytime >= 18 OR daytime <= 6) On Act: f1 inFlame false; f2 inFlame false; f3 inFlame false; f4 inFlame false; etc.
  15. schadler17

    need help for a Safezone script

    Make a marker on map called "westSafeZone" (or "esatSafeZone" but has to be changed in script) Fix distance inside script. Change Magazine types to the magazines you use. (each case) Prevents players from firing weapons, planting c4, throwing nades/smokes, etc. Also warns player on entering/exiting Safezone // Safezone Script // Written by Schadler.C [TacBF Team] _safeZone = getMarkerPos "westSafeZone"; while {true} do { waitUntil {_safeZone distance player < 250}; sleep 2; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>You have entered the safezone!<br/>Firing your weapon or throwing grenades is prohibited!"]; player allowDamage false; _safeZoneDamageEH = player addEventhandler["HandleDamage",{false}]; _safeZoneFiredEH = player addEventHandler ["Fired", { _unit = _this select 0; _type = _this select 5; _projectile = _this select 6; _projectileName = getText(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >>_type >> "displayName"); switch (_type) do { deleteVehicle _projectile; case "rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!"]; _unit setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 0]; }; case "rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag_Tracer_Red": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!"]; _unit setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 0]; }; case "rhsusf_100Rnd_556x45_soft_pouch": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!"]; _unit setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 0]; }; case "rhs_mag_M441_HE": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!<br/><br/>All %1s Removed From Inventory!", _projectileName]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_mag_M441_HE"; }; case "rhs_mag_M433_HE": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!<br/><br/>All %1s Removed From Inventory!", _projectileName]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_mag_M433_HE"; }; case "rhs_m136_mag": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!"]; _unit setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 0]; }; case "rhs_fgm148_Magazines_AT": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!<br/><br/>All %1s Removed From Inventory!", _projectileName]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_fgm148_Magazines_AT"; }; case "rhsusf_20Rnd_762x51_m118_special_Mag": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!"]; _unit setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 0]; }; case "rhsusf_5Rnd_300winmag_xm2010": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!"]; _unit setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 0]; }; case "rhs_mag_m67": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Throw Grenades In Safezone!<br/><br/>All Grenades Removed From Inventory!"]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_mag_m67"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShell"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellBlue"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellRed"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellOrange"; }; case "SmokeShell": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Throw Grenades In Safezone!<br/><br/>All Grenades Removed From Inventory!"]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_mag_m67"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShell"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellBlue"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellRed"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellOrange"; }; case "SmokeShellBlue": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Throw Grenades In Safezone!<br/><br/>All Grenades Removed From Inventory!"]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_mag_m67"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShell"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellBlue"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellRed"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellOrange"; }; case "SmokeShellRed": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Throw Grenades In Safezone!<br/><br/>All Grenades Removed From Inventory!"]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_mag_m67"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShell"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellBlue"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellRed"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellOrange"; }; case "SmokeShellOrange": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Throw Grenades In Safezone!<br/><br/>All Grenades Removed From Inventory!"]; _unit removeMagazines "rhs_mag_m67"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShell"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellBlue"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellRed"; _unit removeMagazines "SmokeShellOrange"; }; case "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag": { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>Do Not Discharge Weapons In Safezone!<br/><br/>All %1s Removed From Inventory!", _projectileName]; _unit removeMagazines "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"; }; case default { systemChat format ["%1", _this select 0]; systemChat format ["%1", _this select 1]; systemChat format ["%1", _this select 2]; systemChat format ["%1", _this select 3]; systemChat format ["%1", _this select 4]; systemChat format ["%1", _this select 5]; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>BUG FOUND!</t><br/><br/>Please Report Ammotype (Located In Chat) To Admin/Developer!"]; }; }; }]; waitUntil {_safeZone distance player > 250}; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>SAFEZONE!</t><br/><br/>You are leaving the safezone!<br/>You are now vulnerable to enemies!"]; player allowDamage true; player removeEventhandler["HandleDamage", _safeZoneDamageEH]; player removeEventHandler["Fired", _safeZoneFiredEH]; };
  16. addEventHandler ["Killed", {Code here}]; _killedUnit = this select 0; _killer = this select 1;
  17. Creating a rallypoint script that detects if a Squad Leader has 2+ members in his squad, if so, if 2 members of his squad are within 20m of him to deploy a rallypoint. 2+ member restriction works, but the distance one does not. Its not throwing any errors either. In the end, if failed, it should give the _passed value 0 to stop the deployment of the rally. _passed = 1; if (true) then { _units = units group _unit; _x = count _units; _y = 0; _z = _x - 1; if (_x < 2) exitwith { _passed=0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You need at least 2 squad members to place a rally!"]; }; if (_z > -1) then { if ((_units select _z) distance _unit > 20) then { _y = _y + 1; }; if ((_y > _x - 2) and _z == 0) exitwith { _passed=0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You need at least two squad members within 20m of you to place a rally!"]; }; _z = _z - 1 }; if (_passed == 1) then { // Check Playername and deploy rally for players squad. }: };
  18. schadler17

    Rallypoint Issues

  19. // Squad Rallypoint System // Written By Schadler.C _unit = _this select 0; _type = typeOf _unit; _unitPos = _unit modelToWorld [0,2,0]; _srpPos = [_unitPos select 0, _unitPos select 1, ((getPosATL _unit) select 2)]; _safeZone = getMarkerPos "westSafeZone"; _surface = surfaceNormal _srpPos; _searchRadius = 100; _position = getPos _unit; _friendlySide = WEST; _neutralSide = CIVILIAN; _enemyArray = _position nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], _searchRadius]; // Remove AddAction Menu _unit removeAction slMenu; _unit removeAction slSRP; _unit removeAction slSupport; _unit removeAction slReturn; _unit removeAction slSITREP; _unit removeAction slContainer1; _unit removeAction slContainer2; // Add Action Menu Start slMenu = _unit addAction [("<t color='#FF0000'>" + ("Squad Leader Options") + "</t>"), "scripts\units\actions\SL\init.sqf"]; // Check for nearby enemies { if ((side _x == _friendlySide) || (side _x == _neutralSide)) then { _enemyArray = _enemyArray - [_x]; }; } count _enemyArray; if ((count _enemyArray) > 0) exitWith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>Enemies are too close! (100m)<br/><br/>Secure the area before deploying a Rallypoint!"]; }; if ((_unit distance _safezone) < 250) exitwith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You are too close to main base to deploy a rallypoint!"]; }; if (vehicle _unit != player) exitwith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You must be on foot to deploy a rallypoint!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL1) && (r1Cooldown == 1)) exitWith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You must wait 5 minutes after placing a rally to deploy another!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL2) && (r2Cooldown == 1)) exitWith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You must wait 5 minutes after placing a rally to deploy another!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL3) && (r3Cooldown == 1)) exitWith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You must wait 5 minutes after placing a rally to deploy another!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL4) && (r4Cooldown == 1)) exitWith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You must wait 5 minutes after placing a rally to deploy another!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL5) && (r5Cooldown == 1)) exitWith { hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You must wait 5 minutes after placing a rally to deploy another!"]; }; if (true) then { _passed = 1; _units = units group _unit; _x = count _units; _y = 0; _z = _x - 1; if (_x < 2) exitwith { _passed=0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You need at least 2 squad members to place a rally!"]; }; while {_z > -1} do { if ((_units select _z) distance _unit > 20) then { _y = _y + 1; }; if ((_y > _x - 2) and _z == 0) exitwith { _passed=0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#FF0000'>Not Available!</t><br/><br/>You need at least one squad member within 20m of you to place a rally!"]; }; _z = _z - 1 }; if (_passed == 1) then { if ((_unit == SL1) && (_type == "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_squadleader")) then { if (!(isNil "rally1")) exitWith { // Delete Existing Rallypoint deleteVehicle rally1; deleteMarker "rMarker1"; srp1 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; // Deploy New Rallypoint r1Cooldown=1; rally1 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally1 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally1 setVectorUp _surface; rally1 enableSimulation false; rally1 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker1 = createMarker ["rMarker1", position rally1]; "rMarker1" setMarkerText "SRP - [Alpha]"; "rMarker1" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker1" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp1 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally1), "Squad Rally Point [Alpha]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r1Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally1; deleteMarker "rMarker1"; srp1 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; r1Cooldown=1; rally1 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally1 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally1 setVectorUp _surface; rally1 enableSimulation false; rally1 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker1 = createMarker ["rMarker1", position rally1]; "rMarker1" setMarkerText "SRP - [Alpha]"; "rMarker1" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker1" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp1 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally1), "Squad Rally Point [Alpha]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r1Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally1; deleteMarker "rMarker1"; srp1 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL2) && (_type == "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_squadleader")) then { if (!(isNil "rally2")) exitWith { // Delete Existing Rallypoint deleteVehicle rally2; deleteMarker "rMarker2"; srp2 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; // Deploy New Rallypoint r2Cooldown=1; rally2 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally2 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally2 setVectorUp _surface; rally2 enableSimulation false; rally2 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker2 = createMarker ["rMarker2", position rally2]; "rMarker2" setMarkerText "SRP - [Bravo]"; "rMarker2" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker2" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp2 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally2), "Squad Rally Point [Bravo]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r2Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally2; deleteMarker "rMarker2"; srp2 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; r2Cooldown=1; rally2 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally2 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally2 setVectorUp _surface; rally2 enableSimulation false; rally2 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker2 = createMarker ["rMarker2", position rally2]; "rMarker2" setMarkerText "SRP - [Bravo]"; "rMarker2" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker2" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp2 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally2), "Squad Rally Point [Bravo]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r2Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally2; deleteMarker "rMarker2"; srp2 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL3) && (_type == "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_squadleader")) then { if (!(isNil "rally3")) exitWith { // Delete Existing Rallypoint deleteVehicle rally3; deleteMarker "rMarker3"; srp3 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; // Deploy New Rallypoint r3Cooldown=1; rally3 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally3 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally3 setVectorUp _surface; rally3 enableSimulation false; rally3 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker3 = createMarker ["rMarker3", position rally3]; "rMarker3" setMarkerText "SRP - [Charlie]"; "rMarker3" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker3" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp3 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally3), "Squad Rally Point [Charlie]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r3Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally3; deleteMarker "rMarker3"; srp3 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; r3Cooldown=1; rally3 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally3 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally3 setVectorUp _surface; rally3 enableSimulation false; rally3 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker3 = createMarker ["rMarker3", position rally3]; "rMarker3" setMarkerText "SRP - [Charlie]"; "rMarker3" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker3" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp3 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally3), "Squad Rally Point [Charlie]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r3Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally3; deleteMarker "rMarker3"; srp3 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL4) && (_type == "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_crewman")) then { if (!(isNil "rally4")) exitWith { // Delete Existing Rallypoint deleteVehicle rally4; deleteMarker "rMarker4"; srp4 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; // Deploy New Rallypoint r4Cooldown=1; rally4 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally4 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally4 setVectorUp _surface; rally4 enableSimulation false; rally4 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker4 = createMarker ["rMarker4", position rally4]; "rMarker4" setMarkerText "SRP - [Delta]"; "rMarker4" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker4" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp4 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally4), "Squad Rally Point [Delta]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r4Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally4; deleteMarker "rMarker4"; srp4 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; r4Cooldown=1; rally4 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally4 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally4 setVectorUp _surface; rally4 enableSimulation false; rally4 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker4 = createMarker ["rMarker4", position rally4]; "rMarker4" setMarkerText "SRP - [Delta]"; "rMarker4" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker4" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp4 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally4), "Squad Rally Point [Delta]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r4Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally4; deleteMarker "rMarker4"; srp4 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; if ((_unit == SL5) && (_type == "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_helipilot")) then { if (!(isNil "rally5")) exitWith { // Delete Existing Rallypoint deleteVehicle rally5; deleteMarker "rMarker5"; srp5 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; // Deploy New Rallypoint r5Cooldown=1; rally5 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally5 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally5 setVectorUp _surface; rally5 enableSimulation false; rally5 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker5 = createMarker ["rMarker5", position rally5]; "rMarker5" setMarkerText "SRP - [Foxtrot]"; "rMarker5" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker5" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp5 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally5), "Squad Rally Point [Foxtrot]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r5Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally5; deleteMarker "rMarker5"; srp5 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; r5Cooldown=1; rally5 = createVehicle ["Land_TentDome_F", _srpPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; rally5 setDir ((getDir _unit)-90); rally5 setVectorUp _surface; rally5 enableSimulation false; rally5 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _rMarker5 = createMarker ["rMarker5", position rally5]; "rMarker5" setMarkerText "SRP - [Foxtrot]"; "rMarker5" setmarkershape "ICON"; "rMarker5" setMarkerType "mil_start"; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Placed!</t><br/><br/>It will be removed after 10 minutes!"]; srp5 = [(group _unit), (getPos rally5), "Squad Rally Point [Foxtrot]"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition; sleep 300; r5Cooldown = 0; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Available!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy It Through Scroll Menu!"]; sleep 300; deleteVehicle rally5; deleteMarker "rMarker5"; srp5 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; hint parseText format ["<t size = '1.5' color = '#4DB0E2'>Squad Rally Point Removed!</t><br/><br/>You Can Deploy A New One Through Scroll Menu!"]; }; }; }; Something I made for a mission, but never got to releasing. Can be edited how ever you feel. I used addAction to call it.
  20. Forgot to post here, but the project is currently on hold. Started working, but I'm working swing shifts, so my schedule is all screwed right now. I'll still be coding a bit here and there for it, but I really don't have the time to dedicate towards it at this minute. Only work seasonal, so it'll resume once I get laid back off.
  21. On mission start, setPlayerRespawnTime to 0. After he spawns, set it to 120.
  22. Createvehiclecrew https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicleCrew
  23. schadler17

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    This doesn't mean they're buying the oil from ISIS, only the Syrian Rebel groups, or someone in the land occupied by them. Question is, how the rebels acquire this oil. That's where the loopholes begin.