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Everything posted by Rawhide2

  1. Rawhide2

    New Map : GOS Al Rayak

    Let me chime in and say what I like the most: the size and that you have some mountains or highlands. Also like urban and city area. Don't be afraid to leave some spaces here and there to give mission editors some freedom. Keep up the good work!
  2. I just wanna wrap this one up. Engine power: I guess I've taking it for granted that it was supposed to be more maneuverable. We thought it could be messed up throttle controls and whatnot, but we'll resent to the fact that it was intentional :o Laser issues: We tried on our dedi all sorts of troublefinding with the laser, but could not get it to malfunction. We tried with SOFLAM, Wildcat laser, and beam from both another Apache and our own. All beams could be tracked and locked. A hotswitch for the laser though, would be splendid. Keep up the good work!
  3. Different from Sjaba, my experience is that it feels too weak. If this is intentional, I still would vote for a bit more powerful engine. Just tested, and I'm not able to reproduce Sjabas issue with the laser. Tested editor only, but only problem is when there's some trees in between. Maybe that is what causing the issue. It's seen here from ~30sec.: EDIT: Laser toggle would be great! :)
  4. Ah, I thought the Longbow radar was needed to be able to get the hellfires modes, thanks for clearing that up for me. ;) And yes, if you need testers, just let us know.
  5. We tried this over at our place yesterday and are very pleased, if not impressed, with the helicopter so far. Feedback: the throttle control are off, but as I understood you're aware of the issue. However, would appreciate a throttle fix in your next update. Question: future plans include hellfire top down attack with hellfire LOAL mode. Does this mean you will give us the Longbow? That would be great. :) Keep up the good work, we will without doubt follow the mod!
  6. Rawhide2

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Thanks a bunch for the greater gameplay you've given us.
  7. Sir, your last edition works well. Thank you very much for your time!
  8. That didn't work either, I got ""B_Truck_01_box_F" missing ;" error somehow. Thanks for trying Schatten, I appreciate it. But if it is this hard I'll find another way of solving it. I'll get back to the topic if I find a solution.
  9. unitName and _veh are never connected. I tried this, after vehicle creation: unitName = str _veh; But that creates the same "B Alpha 1-2-1"-names. Tried: unitName = _veh; "Error hint: Type object, expected String, text" - script aborted.
  10. Thanks a lot, but unfortunately it did not apply. This produced the correct name (c1, c2 etc.): hint (_unitNames select _i); This provided the other names (B Alpha 1-2-1, B Alpha 1-3:1 etc.): unitName = str _veh; hint unitName; publicVariable "unitName"; This given, the wrong names are being publicVariable'd.
  11. CASE Spawning AI units in a "for _i from 0 to XX do"-loop and giving each one a unique name so they can be called from a IE a trigger later. PROBLEM Cannot get the code to loop properly. Name not given, except as a variable (me thinks). It works when I give the unitname for each one manually. SCRIPT THAT WORKS convoySpawn.sqf (ran on HC if available, if not on server): _pauseSmall = 3; //should just be a breather for the server in a scriptloop (pause between each spawn) _Spawn1 = "cSpawn1"; //Spawn pos #1 _Spawn2 = "cSpawn2"; //Spawn pos #2 _typeOfVeh = "B_Truck_01_box_F"; // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_EAST#O_MBT_02_arty_F //Scriptstart: //First vehicle: _veh = createVehicle [_typeOfVeh, (getMarkerPos _Spawn1), [], 0, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew _veh; { diag_log [_x, faction _x, side _x, side group _x]; } forEach crew _veh; c1 = _veh; publicVariable "c1"; sleep _pauseSmall; //Second vehicle: _veh = createVehicle [_typeOfVeh, (getMarkerPos _Spawn2), [], 0, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew _veh; { diag_log [_x, faction _x, side _x, side group _x]; } forEach crew _veh; c2 = _veh; publicVariable "c2"; sleep _pauseSmall; //etc.... SCRIPT THAT DOES NOT WORK (they spawn, but without names) _pauseSmall = 3; _typeOfVeh = "B_Truck_01_box_F"; // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_EAST#O_MBT_02_arty_F _unitNames = ["c1","c2","c3","c4","c5"]; //_unitNames = [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5]; //Scriptstart: _countUnits = (count _unitNames)-1; _unitCounter = 0; for "_i" from 0 to _countUnits do { _unitName = format [_unitNames select _unitCounter]; Hint _unitName; sleep _pauseSmall; _veh = createVehicle [_typeOfVeh, (getMarkerPos _Spawn1), [], 0, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew _veh; { diag_log [_x, faction _x, side _x, side group _x]; } forEach crew _veh; _unitName = _veh; _unitCounter = _unitCounter +1; Hint format ["%1 ",_unitName]; publicVariable format ["%1 ",_unitName]; sleep _pauseSmall; }; SOLUTION Maybe use format differently to be able to name the units correctly. Note: I'm aware of the spawnlocations, that they will spawn on the same location. I'll solve that later. Any help would be much appreciated.
  12. CASE Spawning AI units on headless client. Calling AIs unitname via actionmenu on a player client. PROBLEM Works well in editor and hosted MP game where player is host. However, in dedicated server environment with AI spawned on dedi, user calling the action menu scripts gets an error, not finding the units name. SCRIPTS convoySpawn.sqf (ran on HC if available, if not on server): _veh = createVehicle [_typeOfVeh, (getMarkerPos _Spawn1), [], 0, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew _veh; { diag_log [_x, faction _x, side _x, side group _x]; } forEach crew _veh; c1 = _veh; //Spawning five units up to c5 Player units init: this addAction ["<t color='#266A2E'>START THE CONVOY</t>", "Raw\cStart.sqf"]; /Raw/cStart.sqf: openMap true; private ["_id"]; _id = ["click", "onMapSingleClick", { "cTarget" setMarkerPos _pos; {_x enableAI "MOVE"} foreach [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5]; c1 move getMarkerPos "cTarget"; openMap false; titleText ["Convoy is on the move", "PLAIN"]; ["click", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; SOLUTION I need to find a way to make the unit names global or public, so they can be reached with triggers on server or scripts on clients. Any help on this issue would be appreciated!
  13. Rawhide2

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Kinda the same deal here. Spawning units on the HC, calling these units from a player. Works on MP when server is player, does not work on dedi with AIs on HC. _veh = createVehicle [_typeOfVeh, (getMarkerPos _Spawn1), [], 0, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew _veh; { diag_log [_x, faction _x, side _x, side group _x]; } forEach crew _veh; c1 = _veh; Calling AI named c1 (by trigger, for example) works in editor preview, MP when player is host, but not on dedi with AI on HC. If you see any obvious mistake, or have any tips on a workaround, that would be much appreciated.