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Everything posted by 8LacK5naK3

  1. 8LacK5naK3

    ETA On Apex Release?

    Looks like that`s the big update happening for anyone not on dev branch. Just got steam wanting an update of 9.6GB as of about 10 minutes ago.
  2. Thank you CUP team (and CWR²), I love you guys. As a huge CWR² fan, it`s lovely to see the classic terrains now in A3. I`d also kill for the campaign to make it to CUP, but hey, maybe for the 20th anniversary ^_^
  3. Just noticed this happening today. I only ever got about half way through Adapt before, so thought I`d start the campaign all over again after 1.60. I usually play through at least a whole mission at a time, so never need to save and exit in the middle, but I was running Bingo Fuel when I had to go out earlier. I saved and exited, and when I was back I started it up again, resumed, and sure enough there was no tasks or team info available in the map menu. I am running a very small handful of mods though in the campaign, so it may be that. I haven`t looked into it yet.
  4. Google Drive worked absolutely fine for me this afternoon, coming down at about 7MB/s, but it seems either I just got lucky, or I broke it for everyone else :) Thanks for all the time and effort that`s going into this, guys. Still got a fair amount of work to do tonight, but I`ll be spending most of tomorrow looking through all the new toys you`ve added.
  5. I did so love Mighty Justice, so I`ll go for that :) Sadly, my machine died an honourable death last week, and I`m waiting for parts for a new build, so can`t get stuck into CP yet. It will be the first thing I try on my spanky new machine though. Anything by Mr. bardosy is worth it`s weight in gold.
  6. 8LacK5naK3


    Use the save function available in the radio menu - 0 0 1
  7. 8LacK5naK3

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Can we all try to remember that this patch is for the base game. All previous patches altered not only things like realism but things that perhaps should have been tweaked from the earlier versions too. Every single time, all mods had to be altered to accomodate the changes, or they were ditched and forgotten. It`s just how it works when you`re modifying games. If changes are not realistic (i.e the restrictive chopper side gun angles), then it`s a discussion. If it`s just since the mod you play every day suddenly doesn`t work due to base game changes, that`s up to your mod maker to update the mod to alter things back to how your mod had them before. Take a look at the bafx/rangemaster mod. That thing is large and complicated. It was altered very shortly after the update entered the non-beta updates. Even if 70% of people are playing some dayz mod variant that are the main users of the base game now, it`s their mod that has to be altered to accomodate the base changes. It would be much nicer to hear reports of any bugs in the base game from these changes, and much less moaning from mod users that their favourite mod doesn`t work properly anymore.
  8. 8LacK5naK3

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    I`m thinking the heli mounted door guns could use a limit for the vertical only. Perhaps limiting it to the 1.5 degrees above horizontal. Right now for example - in the chinook, you can clearly see the huge upward angle of the M134 would shear off around 10 feet of the fore blades if you pulled the trigger. Plenty good reasons in a heli why you don`t want to even slightly risk anything "trimming" the blades.
  9. 8LacK5naK3

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    The constructive part is definitely needed at this time. I was one of the ones who were happy to go with the base as it was for many years. I was fine with the corepatch/final changes until sensible things were being reverted to please users of mods of mods of mods. Anyone with any voice of any side, should take this chance to do so. It`s the last of chances. Just remember, those of you using those mods of mods - no doubt long after this final patch, your current mods will still get tweaked (which could easily include weapon zeroing changes to infinity and beyond), this is the final change to the base game.
  10. 8LacK5naK3

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    I wouldn`t say sad. A2 could have been long ago left as it was, as is sadly the way with old bugged games, especially after there`s a whole new version out and established. Good on them - one of those (at least, thank you dwarden) at BI, decided to work one last patch in there with help from the guys that could do the work for all us diehards still using it. The only problem I`m seeing is that some of the parts of the final patch are being reverted by users of a mod. Not just a mod, but (to the best of my recollection), a mod combined from 2 big mods, which were both mods of a mod for A2. Mods of course being modifications of a source game. Not sure exactly how the source game should be altered to suit them, since their mod could just y`know, mod the ranging out of the DMR if they needed it to continue using their mod. Being a veteran modder of many titles myself, I have no problem with mods, or those that use them (in case they think I`m just having a go at them). I`m certainly not. I`m all for any and all mods that improve and keep games alive, as it helps us get our value, and the devs (who keep getting the sales in long after it would have died). As a modder though, I know it`s on us to keep updating and changing parts of the mods, when the base game changes. We do not get the base game altered to suit our modded vision of it. A final patch for A2 was never going to be easy, especially so when a huge amount of testers of the final released patch are running total conversions....
  11. 8LacK5naK3

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    With no mods running - BAF L7A2 GPMG still zeroes out to 1400m (changelog from the beta patches mentions - Changed BAF_L7A2_GPMG zeroing from max 1400m to max 800m on 22/09/2015, with no mention of regression). As mentioned above, the M134 is firing way too quickly. 2000 rounds at 2000rpm is emptied in 30 seconds, which even by my pathetic maths is exactly twice the speed it should be running at. -- If the DMR and/or L-E was supposed to have zeroing, it should have stayed that way and not been reverted. Pretty sure anyone using a mod that really needed them to have no zeroing could have requested the admins of the mod they use change it back.
  12. 8LacK5naK3

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    There`s constructive, there`s loud, then there`s hugely loud and obnoxious.
  13. If you use the regular v1.63 version, you can use this CorePatch addon. If you are using the pre-release final patch beta that is available through steam, it has a more updated version of CorePatch built in to it, so you shouldn`t use this one. Oh, I so hope that one does get fixed. I know it was mentioned in the plans to be fixed for the final patch release (although not heard anything about it for a while). Yep, he`s doing a fine, fine job :)
  14. Thanks, hadn`t noticed that before, and it was easily understood from the unedited text ;) Just a shame it`s still there in the steam library by default.
  15. Hardly the most important thing in the world, but yes, I`d love to see that. If the Arma 2: Dayz Mod library entry would also disappear I`d be even happier :)
  16. Steam no longer shows anything related to CO. It used to have a specific "Play Combined Ops" menu entry (or something close to that anyway). It`s simply not needed anymore, as all A2 content, and any DLC you have shows up inside OA when you run it. Start OA, look in the main menu screen and if you have the A2/A2OA/BAF/PMC/ACR logos down at the bottom, you`re all good.
  17. It`s not an addon sound problem, and it can be fixed with CP easily. goliath86 mentioned he knew about it in his reply to that post, but I think the fix he meant to put in place got lost somewhere along the way of the bigger fixes. Funnily enough, I had been meaning for the last few days to mention it here, before it all goes final.
  18. Not sure what`s going on there Erick, but the sniper rifle you have in that mission will take down anybody in one shot. It`s not somehow crippled or set to cause no damage. I`ve literally just tried this very minute with a non-modded steam A2:CO install, and the rifle works as it should.
  19. Replies just don`t get any better than that :)
  20. Sweet. Didn`t want to sound like a moaning git on the first post, but I did try to say it as nicely as possible. I`ve worked with far too many other modders that would take offense at far less :) I`m not part of this "last patch" beta discussion, so is this actually going to be part of it?
  21. First post here after years of playing the Arma series, so it might as well be thanks for something. Thank you goliath86 :) I can finally avoid clicking on basic A2 now for the last existing reason (the campaign bitter chill problem). A problem that is now actually fixed (just tested and it is now guaranteed fully playable here in v1.0.0.22). The FN FAL fire rate fix is absolutely more than welcome "built-in" too, but is there an easy way to do it without blocking addon sounds from working? I use the J.S.R.S. v1.5 soundpack in my regular A2CO, and with the corepatch fix the FN FAL now happily uses the addon sound (as expected) for semi, but in the full auto mode it reverts to using the default gun sound. It`s the only reason I was using the TGW Fire Mode Fix (it`s on armaholic, but I can`t post a link yet) before, as it added auto mode to the FAL (using default sounds) and allowed any addon sounds to override both modes if used. I have tried adding the TGW fix after the latest corepatch but for some reason it does not override the corepatch fix, and being a 3d and textures modder, I`m not the best at working on script stuff.... :o