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About johnandrews

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  1. @killzone_kid, Congratulations sir, you just won the "most useless comment of the wekk" contest (facepalm) regarding the alien drones: I just found out that i need to place a movement grid and sync them to it.
  2. I just tried to use the so called "Alien Entity (small)" in the editor, but other than using the turret i cant do anything. I cant give it orders nor can i take control over the driver window. That one is greyed out in the UAV map. What do i miss? EDIT: After further fiddling around with those alien drones in the editor, it seems to me they are completely useless. Why are they in the editor at all if they are of no use outside of the campaign? I shurely miss something here... Other than that and after playing trough the entire campaign, i have to say: This is an amazing DLC and i really enjoyed it.
  3. johnandrews

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Nevermind. I now know that i have to use the movement grid to make the alien drones move.
  4. johnandrews

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    @DarkSideSixOfficial, Yes, it is one of the factors that led me here to ask if a modder with the required programs could help me. Since it seems the tank could be some kind of a "Kitbash" from the models Kuma and Slammer, it might mean that it would be not so much work to create it than a completely new model. All I'd need would be someone who helps me to create the tank ... EDIT: I do not even know what programs do I need if I want to try it on my own or how to use them.... Whom should I contact to get advice or help creating the tank model? I thought the whole thing as follows: first thing is to put the tower of the "Slammer UP" on the chassis of the "Kuma" and replace the tracks of the "Kuma" with those of the "Slammer UP". Then retexture the whole vehicle with the textures of the "Slammer". If possible change the tower in its shape and provide the back of the "Kuma" chassis with the rear hatch of the "Slammer". Then, the tank should actually be already finished ... Any thoughts?
  5. johnandrews

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Hello, I have found a picture on "Deviant Art", which no longer lets me go. It shows a heavy tank that would be a great addition to Arma 3, a supplement to the "Slammer" Maybe some of the experienced modcreators here could cobble together something? Here is the link to the picture: http://exizt.deviantart.com/art/J-A-G-U-A-R-A-4-UWMod-216389015 I myself have unfortunately no experience or the necessary programs to create a 3D model by myself, and this then also to texture and implement in the game to me is therefore not possible. Therefore, I have to rely on the help of the community. I hope that someone here can be enthusiastic about my idea. Thanks in advance.
  6. johnandrews

    F/a-18x black wasp

    I've never seen a plane - addon for ArmA 3 that I liked at first attempt as good as this. It fits perfectly in the timeline of ARMA 3, that there are errors in a beta is no problem for me. However, I would wish me a small thing, if this is possible. I do not know if that's even possible, but maybe you could use the surfacetextures with which BIS makes these refelctions, as for example, on the A-164 Wipeout ... It seems that, so far, no Addon maker was ever able to use these reflections to be transferred to mods ... I ask me why ... :confused: I hope I was able to express to some degree what I want to ask. :o Excuse my bad English, I speak only German and therefore, use a translation program ... :(