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Everything posted by fortune144
Hey there, i would like to add the arsenal to my custom ReammoBox_F - box in UserActions. The Problem is the arsenal opens only on click on my action then the action menu contains Uniforms and Arsenal. yeah i know with open i can solve the problem but then i cant add my custom classes to it. class UserActions { class Rifleman_Uniform_Arsenal { displayName = "<t color='#FF9900'>Uniforms</t>"; priority = 6; radius = 4; position = "camera"; showWindow = 0; hideOnUse = 1; onlyForPlayer = 1; condition = true; statement = "[this] execVM ""crates\data\arsenal.sqf"";"; }; }; arsenal.sqf _crate = _this select 0; ["AmmoboxInit",[_crate, false, {true}]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; _availableHeadgear = [ "UK3CB_BAF_H_Wool_Hat" ]; _availableUniforms = [ "UK3CB_BAF_U_Smock_DPMW" ]; [_crate,((itemCargo _crate) + _availableHeadgear + _availableUniforms), false, true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
Hey guys, i would like to retexture the Land_sign_berezino the problem is this setObjectTexture [0, "sign.jpg"]; this attachTo [sign, [0,-0.05,0.8]]; with classname the Land_sign_berezino and object name sign doesn't work. _textures = getObjectTextures this; hint format ["%1", _textures]; gives me empty array. so how can i retexture this sign?
Left Hand Weapon Script
fortune144 replied to fortune144's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I added to initPlayerLocal.sqf but is not working -
Hey i would like to launch the left hand script on my server. In my InitServer.sqf i have [[],"scripts\dual_arms.sqf",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; and my dual_arms.sqf waitUntil {time > 0}; waitUntil {!isNull player}; check_backWeapon = true; aa_fnc_gearInterupt = { if (isNull (_this select 2)) then { if (!isNil {(_this select 1) getVariable "AA_wpnHolder"}) then { aa_grounds = []; _ground = "GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle position player; _ground setPosATL (player modelToWorld [0,0.4,0]); _ground setDir getDir player; _ground enableSimulation false; _ground setVariable ["tempHolder", true]; _ground spawn {waitUntil {sleep 3; isNull (findDisplay 602)}; _this enableSimulation true}; _nearSup = ((player modelToWorld [0,.8,1]) nearSupplies 2.3); { _x spawn { if (!(_this getVariable ['AA_wpnHolder',false])) then { if !((_this isKindOf "man") && (alive _this)) then {aa_grounds = aa_grounds + [_this]} } } } forEach _nearSup; if (count aa_grounds > 0) then { if (((aa_grounds select 0) isKindOf "man") && (!isNull wpnHolderLeft)) then { _gear = "GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle position player; _gear attachTo [(_this select 1),[0,0,0], "pelvis"]; detach _gear; _gear enableSimulation false; _gear setVariable ["tempHolder", true]; _gear spawn { waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 602))}; sleep 1; _this setPosATL (player modelToWorld [0,1,0]); _this enableSimulation true; _this setDir getDir player; }; player action ["Gear", aa_grounds select 0]; } else { player action ["Gear", aa_grounds select 0]; }; } else { private "_ground"; _ground = "GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle position player; _ground setPosATL (player modelToWorld [0,0.4,0]); _ground setDir getDir player; _ground setVariable ["tempHolder", true]; player action ["Gear",_ground]; waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 602))}; waitUntil {(isNull (findDisplay 602))}; _ground spawn {waitUntil {sleep 3; isNull (findDisplay 602)}; _this enableSimulation true}; sleep 1; }; _ground enableSimulation true; } else { if ((_this select 1) isKindOf "man") then { _gear = "GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle position player; _gear attachTo [(_this select 1),[0,0,0], "pelvis"]; detach _gear; _gear enableSimulation false; _gear setVariable ["tempHolder", true]; [_gear,(_this select 1)] spawn { _gear = (_this select 0); sleep 1; waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 602))}; sleep 2; _gear setPosATL ((_this select 1) modelToWorld [0,0,0]); _gear enableSimulation true; _gear setDir getDir player; }; player action ["Gear", (_this select 1)]; }; }; } else { if (!isNil {(_this select 2) getVariable "AA_wpnHolder"}) then { _tempGear = (_this select 1); _tempGear spawn { _gear = "GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle position player; _gear attachTo [player,[0,0,0], "pelvis"]; detach _gear; _gear enableSimulation false; _gear setVariable ["tempHolder", true]; _gear spawn { waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 602))}; sleep 1; _this setPosATL (player modelToWorld [0,1,0]); _this enableSimulation true; _this setDir getDir player; }; player action ["Gear",_this]; }; }; }; }; aa_fnc_invInterupt = { aa_inventoryContainers = _this; waitUntil {(!(isNull (findDisplay 602)))}; player setVariable ["InvOpened",1]; waitUntil {sleep 0.001; (isNull (findDisplay 602))}; player setVariable ["InvOpened",0]; {if ((typeOf _x == "GroundWeaponHolder") && (!isNil {_x getVariable "tempHolder"})) then {if ((count ((itemCargo _x) + (weaponCargo _x) + (backpackCargo _x) + (magazineCargo _x))) == 0) then {deleteVehicle _x}}} forEach (player nearSupplies 3); }; aa_fnc_switchWpn = { _wpn = currentWeapon player; _stance = stance player; if (_wpn == "") then { _wpn = (player getVariable ["wpnHolster",""]); if (_wpn != "") then { player setVariable ["wpnHolster",""]; if ((_wpn == handgunWeapon player) && (_stance == "CROUCH")) then { player selectWeapon _wpn; player playMoveNow "AmovPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPknlMstpSrasWpstDnon_end"; [[player, {_this playMoveNow "AmovPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPknlMstpSrasWpstDnon_end"}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP } else { player selectWeapon _wpn; }; } } else { if ((_wpn == handgunWeapon player) && (_stance != "CROUCH")) then { player setVariable ["wpnHolster",_wpn]; player action ["switchWeapon", player, player, -1] }; if (_wpn == primaryWeapon player) then { if (_stance == "CROUCH") then { player playMoveNow "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon"; [[player, {_this playMoveNow "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon"}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP }; if (_stance == "PRONE") then { player playMoveNow "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon"; [[player, {_this playMoveNow "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon"}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP }; player setVariable ["wpnHolster",_wpn]; player action ["switchWeapon", player, player, -1] }; if (_wpn == secondaryWeapon player) then { player setVariable ["wpnHolster",_wpn]; player action ["switchWeapon", player, player,-1] }; if (_wpn == binocular player) then { player setVariable ["wpnHolster",_wpn]; if (_stance == "CROUCH") then {player action ["switchWeapon", player, player,-1]; player playMoveNow "amovpknlmstpsnonwnondnon"; [[player, {_this playMoveNow "amovpknlmstpsnonwnondnon"}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP} else {player action ["switchWeapon", player, player,-1]} }; }; }; aa_fnc_leftWeapon = { check_backWeapon = false; _primaryWeapon = nil; _anim = animationState player; _animSpeed = getAnimSpeedCoef player; _stance = stance player; if (primaryWeapon player != "") then {{if ((_x select 0) == (primaryWeapon player)) then {_primaryWeapon = _x}} forEach (weaponsItems player);}; if ((primaryWeapon player != "") && (isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]})) exitWith //Put on left { if (currentWeapon player == "") then { player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player); }; switch (_stance) do { case "STAND" : { player playAction "SecondaryWeapon"; _anim = animationState player; waitUntil {animationState player != _anim}; sleep 1.5; [[[player, "amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon"], {(_this select 0) playMoveNow (_this select 1)}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 0.5; }; case "CROUCH" : { player playAction "SecondaryWeapon"; _anim = animationState player; waitUntil {animationState player != _anim}; sleep 1.2; waitUntil {animationState player != "amovpknlmstpsraswlnrdnon_amovpknlmstpsnonwnondnon"}; sleep 0.1; waitUntil {animationState player != "amovpknlmstpsraswlnrdnon_amovpknlmstpsnonwnondnon"}; [[[player, "amovpknlmstpsnonwnondnon"], {(_this select 0) playMoveNow (_this select 1)}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; case "PRONE" : { player playAction "PlayerCrouch"; sleep (1.1 / _animSpeed); player playAction "SecondaryWeapon"; _anim = animationState player; waitUntil {animationState player != _anim}; sleep 1.5; [[[player, "amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon"], {(_this select 0) playMoveNow (_this select 1)}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 0.5; }; default {}; }; _man = createAgent ["VirtualMan_F", (player modelToWorld [0,-2,0]), [], 0, "NONE"]; _man attachTo [player,[0,0,10],"pelvis"]; _man setAnimSpeedCoef 100; _man allowDamage false; _baseWeapon = (_primaryWeapon select 0); _man addWeapon _baseWeapon; removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _man; for "_n" from 1 to ((count _primaryWeapon) -1) do {_man addWeaponItem [_baseWeapon, _primaryWeapon select _n];}; wpnHolderLeft = "Weapon_Empty" createVehicle getPosATL player; wpnHolderLeft attachTo [player,[0.05,-0.03,-0.03],"launcher"]; wpnHolderLeft setVariable ["AA_wpnHolder",true,true]; handler_backWeapon = addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{wpnHolderLeft setVectorDirAndUp [((player selectionPosition "rightShoulder") vectorAdd [-0.10,-0.11,-0.05]) vectorFromTo (player selectionPosition "leftshoulder"),(player selectionPosition "spine3") vectorFromTo (player selectionPosition "launcher")];}]; _man action ["PutWeapon", wpnHolderLeft, primaryWeapon _man]; waitUntil {sleep 0.001; ((weaponCargo wpnHolderLeft) select 0) == _baseWeapon}; player setUserActionText [action_putLeft, format [localize "str_action_weaponinhand", (getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((weaponCargo wpnHolderLeft) select 0) >> "displayName"))]]; detach _man; deleteVehicle _man; wpnHolderLeft setDamage 1; player removeWeaponGlobal (primaryWeapon player); player setUserActionText [action_switchLeft, format [localize "str_action_weapononback", (getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (primaryWeapon player) >> "displayName"))]]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal wpnHolderLeft; clearItemCargoGlobal wpnHolderLeft; clearBackpackCargoGlobal wpnHolderLeft; sleep 1.618; player setVariable ["leftWeapon", _primaryWeapon]; check_backWeapon = true; }; if ((primaryWeapon player == "") && (!isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]})) exitWith //Take on left { if (_stance == "PRONE") then { player playAction "PrimaryWeapon" } else { player playAction "SecondaryWeapon"; _anim = animationState player; waitUntil {animationState player != _anim}; sleep 1.3; player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player); }; player addMagazine (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "magazines") select 0); if (count (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "muzzles") select 0) == 2) then {player addMagazine (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0)>> (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "muzzles") select 1) >> "magazines") select 0);}; removeMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", handler_backWeapon]; detach wpnHolderLeft; deleteVehicle wpnHolderLeft; player addWeapon ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0); removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems player; player removePrimaryWeaponItem (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "magazines") select 0); if (count (player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) == 7) then {player removePrimaryWeaponItem (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0)>> (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "muzzles") select 1) >> "magazines") select 0);}; for "_n" from 1 to (count (player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil])) do {player addWeaponItem [((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0), (player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select _n];}; player selectWeapon primaryWeapon player; sleep 1.618; player setUserActionText [action_switchLeft, format [localize "str_action_weaponinhand", (getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((weaponCargo wpnHolderLeft) select 0) >> "displayName"))]]; player setVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]; check_backWeapon = true; }; if ((primaryWeapon player != "") && (!isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]})) exitWith //Switch { if (currentWeapon player == "") then { player selectWeapon primaryWeapon player; sleep 2.6; }; switch (_stance) do { case "STAND" : { if (weaponLowered player) then {player action ["WeaponOnBack", player]}; if (currentWeapon player != primaryWeapon player) then {player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player); sleep 1.6}; player playAction "SecondaryWeapon"; _anim = animationState player; waitUntil {animationState player == "amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_amovpercmstpsraswlnrdnon"}; sleep (1 / _animSpeed); [[[player, _anim], {(_this select 0) playMoveNow (_this select 1)}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; case "CROUCH" : { if (weaponLowered player) then {player action ["WeaponOnBack", player]}; if (currentWeapon player != primaryWeapon player) then {player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player); sleep 1.6}; player playAction "SecondaryWeapon"; _anim = animationState player; waitUntil {animationState player == "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_amovpknlmstpsraswlnrdnon"}; sleep (1 / _animSpeed); [[[player, _anim], {(_this select 0) playMoveNow (_this select 1)}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; case "PRONE" : { player playAction "PlayerCrouch"; sleep (1.1 / _animSpeed); _anim = animationState player; if (weaponLowered player) then {player action ["WeaponOnBack", player]}; if (currentWeapon player != primaryWeapon player) then {player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player); sleep 1.6}; player playAction "SecondaryWeapon"; _anim = animationState player; waitUntil {animationState player == "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_amovpknlmstpsraswlnrdnon"}; sleep (1 / _animSpeed); [[[player, _anim], {(_this select 0) playMoveNow (_this select 1)}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; default {}; }; _man =createAgent ["VirtualMan_F", (player modelToWorld [0,-2,0]), [], 0, "NONE"]; _man attachTo [player,[0,0,10],"pelvis"]; _man setAnimSpeedCoef 100; _man allowDamage false; _baseWeapon = (_primaryWeapon select 0); _man addWeapon _baseWeapon; removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _man; for "_n" from 1 to ((count _primaryWeapon) -1) do {_man addWeaponItem [_baseWeapon, _primaryWeapon select _n];}; removeMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", handler_backWeapon]; [wpnHolderLeft, _baseWeapon] spawn { waitUntil {((weaponCargo wpnHolderLeft) select 0) == (_this select 1)}; detach (_this select 0); deleteVehicle (_this select 0); }; wpnHolderLeft = "Weapon_Empty" createVehicle getPosATL player; wpnHolderLeft attachTo [player,[0.05,-0.03,-0.03],"launcher"]; wpnHolderLeft setVariable ["AA_wpnHolder",true,true]; handler_backWeapon = addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{wpnHolderLeft setVectorDirAndUp [((player selectionPosition "rightShoulder") vectorAdd [-0.10,-0.11,-0.05]) vectorFromTo (player selectionPosition "leftshoulder"),(player selectionPosition "spine3") vectorFromTo (player selectionPosition "launcher")];}]; _man action ["PutWeapon", wpnHolderLeft, primaryWeapon _man]; waitUntil {((weaponCargo wpnHolderLeft) select 0) == _baseWeapon}; player addMagazine (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "magazines") select 0); if (count (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "muzzles") select 0) == 2) then {player addMagazine (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0)>> (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "muzzles") select 1) >> "magazines") select 0);}; player addWeapon ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0); removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems player; player removePrimaryWeaponItem (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "magazines") select 0); if (count (player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) == 7) then {player removePrimaryWeaponItem (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0)>> (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0) >> "muzzles") select 1) >> "magazines") select 0);}; for "_n" from 1 to (count (player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil])) do {player addWeaponItem [((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0), (player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select _n];}; player selectWeapon primaryWeapon player; _man spawn {sleep 1.618; detach _this; deleteVehicle _this;}; sleep 1.618; player setUserActionText [action_switchLeft, format [localize "str_action_weaponinhand", (getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((weaponCargo wpnHolderLeft) select 0) >> "displayName"))]]; wpnHolderLeft setDamage 1; player setVariable ["leftWeapon", _primaryWeapon]; check_backWeapon = true; }; }; //------------------------------------------------Actions aa_fnc_leftWeaponActions = { if (({["ace_", _x] call BIS_fnc_inString} count activatedAddons) < 100) then { action_hideWpn = player addAction ["Hide weapon",aa_fnc_switchWpn,[],0,false,true,"buldTerrainShowNode",'((vehicle player == player) && (currentWeapon player != "") && (currentWeapon player != binocular player) && (_this == _target))']; }; action_putLeft = player addAction ["Put weapon on back",aa_fnc_leftWeapon,[],1,false,true,"SwitchWeapon",'((primaryWeapon player in weaponList) && (secondaryWeapon player == "") && (vehicle player == player) && (isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]}) && (player hasWeapon (primaryWeapon player)) && (check_backWeapon) && (_this == _target))']; action_switchLeft = player addAction ["Take weapon back",aa_fnc_leftWeapon,[],1,false,true,"SwitchWeapon",'((secondaryWeapon player == "") && (vehicle player == player) && (!isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]}) && (check_backWeapon) && (_this == _target))']; }; [] call aa_fnc_leftWeaponActions; [] spawn { while{true} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.1; check_backWeapon}; player setUserActionText [action_putLeft, format [localize "str_action_weapononback", (getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (primaryWeapon player) >> "displayName"))]]; if (!isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]}) then {player setUserActionText [action_switchLeft, format [localize "str_action_weaponinhand", (getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (((player getVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]) select 0)) >> "displayName"))]];}; } }; [] spawn { while{true} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.1; ((secondaryWeapon player != "") && (!isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]}))}; player playAction "PutDown"; removeMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", handler_backWeapon]; detach wpnHolderLeft; wpnHolderLeft setVehiclePosition [(player modelToWorld [0,1,0]), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; wpnHolderLeft setVariable ["AA_wpnHolder",nil,true]; wpnHolderLeft setDamage 0; wpnHolderLeft = nil; player setVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]; } }; player addEventHandler ["Take", {if (!((isNull wpnHolderLeft) && (isNil "wpnHolderLeft")) && (vehicle player == player)) then {wpnHolderLeft attachTo [player,[0.05,-0.03,-0.03],"launcher"]}}]; player addEventHandler ["Respawn",{[] call aa_fnc_leftWeaponActions}]; player addEventHandler ["Killed", { if ((isNil "wpnHolderLeft") || (isNull wpnHolderLeft)) exitWith {}; detach wpnHolderLeft; wpnHolderLeft setVehiclePosition [getPosASL player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; wpnHolderLeft setVariable ["AA_wpnHolder",nil,true]; player setVariable ["leftWeapon",nil]; wpnHolderLeft setDamage 0; wpnHolderLeft = nil; removeMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",handler_backWeapon]; }]; player addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { if (vehicle player != player) exitWith {if (player getVariable ["InvOpened",0] != 1) then {_this spawn aa_fnc_invInterupt}}; if (isNil {player getVariable ["leftWeapon", nil]}) exitWith {if (player getVariable ["InvOpened",0] != 1) then {_this spawn aa_fnc_invInterupt}}; if ((isNil {(_this select 1) getVariable "AA_wpnHolder"}) && (isNil {(_this select 2) getVariable "AA_wpnHolder"}) && (!((_this select 1) isKindOf "man"))) exitWith {if (player getVariable ["InvOpened",0] != 1) then {_this spawn aa_fnc_invInterupt}}; if (((_this select 1) isKindOf "man") && (({typeOf _x == "GroundWeaponHolder"} count ((_this select 1) nearSupplies 2)) != 0)) exitWith { _gear = "GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle position (_this select 1); _gear setPosWorld (getPosWorld (_this select 1)); _gear enableSimulation false; _gear setVariable ["tempHolder", true]; [_gear,(_this select 1)] spawn { _gear = (_this select 0); sleep 1; waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 602))}; sleep 2; _gear setPosATL ((_this select 1) modelToWorld [0,0,0]); _gear enableSimulation true; _gear setDir getDir player; }; if (player getVariable ["InvOpened",0] != 1) then {_this spawn aa_fnc_invInterupt} }; [0, _this select 1, _this select 2] spawn aa_fnc_gearInterupt; true }]; player addEventHandler ["GetInMan", { detach wpnHolderLeft; wpnHolderLeft setPosASL [0,0,0]; }]; player addEventHandler ["GetOutMan", {wpnHolderLeft attachTo [player,[0.05,-0.03,-0.03],"launcher"]}]; How can i execute it globally on server?
Is it possible to set how much the healing will be? I don't want 100% healing when use the splint. Thanl you
Left Hand Weapon Script
fortune144 replied to fortune144's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
[[],"scripts\dual_arms.sqf",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; is not working in initPlayer.sqf -
Hey folks, i made a custom camoface ace action as code see below. In singleplayer everything works fine but when i put the pbo on my server there is only the ace action and nothing happens. So where is my mistake. Please have a look. ACE_ACTION: setCamo.sqf
Hey guys i have seen often the same headset and that tryk has the p3d model files in it. Can someone tell me where i can get the unbinarized file?
Yeah i found this samples and made some stuff already.
Hey there, i made an MP5 from SMG_Base_F Arma 3 everythign is fine. The Soldier reload animation is running but the weapon is doing nothing. i made all sections and placed the memory point for the specific animation. In my model.cfg i placed in the model animation section everything whats needed for the animation. For example. The file is lying where my model.p3d is.
Hey folks, i tried to port the arma 2 mp5 sd6 to A3 and i run in couple of problems. First of all the arm animation is really weird. I can't fixed it in the model.cfg. The next thing is i added a top mount rail to the model. But in ego view it's not there. When i zoom my heady ist in the weapons. i'm new in this and i hoped to learn from the arma 2 stuff but these are problem which i can't fix my self. model.cfg
It's a good base and works perfect. thank you
I fixed the stuff with the top mount and head in weapon by my self. The ViewPilot has not the correct model.
Hey, i made a headger but in ego view i can see this gear. So what's wrong?
Hey, i made a vest in blender and exported it as p3d. I opened it in Object Builder and added the sections. When i open it in Arma the vest is a bit rotated. How can i fix that?
i solved the problem. I had to select the sections and add them the view pilot.
Nope it's still in my view
Hey guys, i retextured the large Bergan Backpack. But i think the backback is shining a lot. So how can i remove this shining effect from the rvmat file? class B_Bergen_Base_F; class SOR_B_Bergen_Dpm: B_Bergen_Base_F { scope=public; displayName="Bergen DPM Wdl"; picture="\A3\Supplies_F_Exp\Bags\Data\UI\Icon_B_Bergen_digi_CA.paa"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]={"\basic_equipment\data\backpacks\bergen_dpm_wdl.paa"}; }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]={""}; is not working
Try to use the files from Arma 2 (BAF in my case).
No i don't want to rip them i can ask my self. But i thought ther where open p3d files like that because a lot of people use the same stuff.
yes but it's a bit tricky. have to practise
Search an Texture artist who can make textures like the 3CB
forgott to pack in pbo. *.rvmat
When i use your rvmat it say cannot load. ah crap it's so much stuff to learn ^^