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About wasbob45

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    Private First Class

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    Warhammer, Arma, Comedy and Cracking Jokes.

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    I love Arma, Warhammer and other cool stuff.

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  1. wasbob45


    Am I missing something? Tried the script and all I get is errors when I try and play in Enden Editor Attached in the spoiler is the Images of the errors Screenshots:
  2. wasbob45


    Gill93 Is there an easier way to do this as there are many Millitary buildings on this map? I dont really want to go an place military crates but I will if I have to?
  3. wasbob45


    Yeah but the Buildings themselves don't have anything that is lootable
  4. wasbob45


    Hello All Sorry in advance if this question has been asked. Recently I have made a MP / Co-Op mission for the map G.O.S Al Rayak There is one issue I have however, most of the military buildings on the map are from Arma 2 / CUP Terrains (Takistan) , most of these buildings are empty and have nothing to loot and I was wondering if there was a way to add loot to spawn to these empty military buildings. Or a way to make a prefab of these buildings to add to the loot spawn. The desert / mud buildings are fine but any military barracks there is nothing to loot. Thanks All
  5. wasbob45


    Yeah it is for MP, but If it works for SP then Ill make do
  6. wasbob45


    So where do I put this code. Init.sqf or customGearLists.sqf Also I found the items for Eden Objects, Eg the Wood Boards and other Items, is there a code Similar to the one above that can add items for Rvg lootable.
  7. wasbob45


    @lv1234 Yes try that, sometimes Arma has a hissy fit with object placement, and Items are not where they say they are. For example If I put a trader next to an table and try to get him to lean on the table the trader will be half in the ground. So If i put the trader a wee bit above the table height the placement is perfect for some odd reason. #ArmaPerfectWorld
  8. wasbob45


    @lv1234 I have had the same Issue with my traders and other Items on the table. Try making the item a simple Item, either the Gun or the table. (If you make the gun a simple Item you are unable to pick the Item up). If not try lifting the Item just above the table to that It is hovering. Edit: No you can't buy attachments from traders. (At least not that I know of)
  9. wasbob45


    Hi @haleks A while back I suggested an Idea to you about adding custom vehicles to the spawning system via a line in the Vehicle Module. But a quick question about the vehicles that spawn for now. I run a heavily modded ravage survival on, Dingor (Lingor but Desert Version). And I would like to add these trucks to the vehicle list: I was curious If I could use the custom loot list commands and similarly add vehicles to the vehicle list.
  10. wasbob45


    @haleks I'm not sure if this Issue has been reported yet but, Using _unit = _this select 0; _unit spawn { _unit = _this; sleep 2; _unit call rvg_fnc_equip; _unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn RVG_fnc_Fired}]; }; I Spawn with a Random loadout but I never spawn with modded gear, I have them selected in the modules but never spawn, Tried with both settings for Normal gear and Limited but to no avail. The only way to get modded gear is Via Traders. I get an error when I play Via the editor it is as follows. But When In multiplayer I select Spawn and respawn with no loadout, just my base survivor. https://plus.google.com/photos/109522964449252072253/album/6491591237689487297/6491591241452057650?authkey=CJm21Pm7kO_12wE https://plus.google.com/photos/109522964449252072253/album/6491591237689487297/6491591243071141058?authkey=CJm21Pm7kO_12wE P.S. IDK how to insert images. I'm probs just stupid and doing it the hard way.
  11. wasbob45


    Cheers thanks for that
  12. wasbob45


    Hello All. I just have a quick question, I am trying to make a Dayz style mission for me and my friends to play but I have encountered a roadblock. 0 = [this] call rvg_fnc_equip; this addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn RVG_fnc_Fired}]; I put it in the Init of the all three of the playable characters, and It worked when you first spawn, but when you Respawn the function does not work.I have tried to put the code into the .sqf file but to no avail. Could I have some assistance please. Secondly, I have traders that are playing a Ambient Animation, When there is combat I want the traders and their guards to quit the Animation and engage, but once all of the danger has been dealt with return to starting position and play the animation again. I have the animation right now so that when they hear danger they stop the animation and engage but they don't return to the animation they were playing. I have tried but I don't know what to do. Or can I only have them play and animation then quit when there is danger, and never play the animation again.
  13. wasbob45


    Hello All I have made a cool mission on Planthera and I was needing you help with something. I am trying to setup a basic Building System using EDN Fortifications Mod, I have found the class names for the materials that the mod uses to be able to build stuff, but I am unable to make them spawn. I have tried to put them into the unpacked PBO myself but tbh I didn't know what I was doing. Are you able to help me and or Direct me to where I could place classnames to make them spawn. edn_Woodplankedn_Cinderblockedn_Steelplateedn_Metalpipeedn_Sandbagedn_Wirecoiledn_camonet These are the class names that the mod uses. Thanks
  14. wasbob45


    IDK if it was the new Patch for Arma 3 or a bug. But With Vehicles left Intact rule.If set to 0 some vehicles still spawn without any damage. Trying to get back into the swing of things again. Another question if I have AI doing an animation. How can I get them to have randomised gear? Same goes for the traders that I have. I have tried to use the call rvg_fnc_equip; command in the INIT of the unit but still no dice.
  15. wasbob45


    Hello All. Just a quick question about a mod. On the "official" Wiki it stated that the supporting mods are EDN Fortifications. So when I load up ravage (My custom Mission) do the Materials I need to build spawn in loot if not how do I add them to the loot table? Thanks