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Everything posted by stormwatchdog

  1. Cheers. Might be pushing my luck here.. perhaps add an option to enable or disable this part of TPW CARS? I'd rather just have the unit ran over than phase through the car for the immersion sake. Also side note you don't need to be in the direct path of the vehicle they could just drive right beside a unit and they'll disappear. https://gyazo.com/7f84a5ddf03e20841c64dffc8aa4cf67
  2. https://gyazo.com/ffc4614037fee71952520c098c52c0fa https://gyazo.com/bd1b4d83c11b76e86ebcf58d896706c9 Tested with only TPW Mods and the CARS Module enabled (ofc CBA as well) This is an issue only with the CARS Module As can been seen in one of the gifs this makes running people over rather annoying Also the car doesn't even need to be moving I can just shoot at it https://gyazo.com/0226b30b1d059fd825b009bc25d60f58 So if I'm using a car as cover.. :| Hope you can fix it soon and love your mod :)