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Everything posted by mickeymen

  1. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hi LJ:) 1. I asked you about the sounds of destruction of buildings but you did not answer. You have not found the time to do this? Plan to do this? The game is very weak effects of destruction. If you make a good sound destruction of buildings, then it compensates for weak visualization. 2. The game lacks sound of the blast wheel. The wheel of any vehicle often is destroyed, but there is no sound! I think if the wheel will explode there must be powerful sound. If you do this, it will be a great addition to your work. What do you think about this?
  2. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I'm sorry. My English is not the best. Probably you have the same problem. :D I don't fully understand you. I hope that in the next update you will solve these issues ADD: Added sounds when inside a tank/vehicle and being hit by big calibers ADD: Added sounds when inside a tank/vehicle and being hit by rockets ADD: Added sounds when inside a tank/vehicle and being hit by missiles ADD: Added sounds when inside a tank/vehicle and being hit by shells I love you!!!;) Next week its good! What about sounds in the destruction of the buildings? Probably You not find time for this?
  3. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    of course seriously... I am interested the two first items from the my list of issues. i.e. How I can return the breath of the player(when tired) and groans of the player (when injured)? I remind you. If a player gets injured, then heavy breathing(when tired) disappears. Sorry, but I have not seen on the front page of answers to these questions.
  4. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

  5. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Thanks! How I can use this? Only place in the mod directory?
  6. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Was second relise of this mod or not?
  7. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I appreciate your experience. Probably you are right. However, we first have to deal with the gameplay of video game. Please note this. In this case there is a great contrast. The player does not hear voices, footsteps and other sounds. If he makes the sound louder, then start to hurt your ears. I think that the comfort of the player must be in the first place. "so while at first it was a bit loud, now it's right on the spot. " why at first? Was second relise of this mod? Today I see only first relise version. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27827
  8. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I hear it too. But when a player gets injured, and makes self-treatment then he stops to hear it! Confirm this! May be even > 100m! I heard these shots very far... This should be fixed
  9. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hi LJ. ;) I continue to enjoy your mod, but a few details bothers me. I noticed that if a player gets injured, then disappear not only the moans of the player (when injured) and shortness of breath (when tired) This should be fixed. Please make this, because I worry for your work! 1. You removed shortness of breath(after injure of player), now it does not exist in the game and now the player does not understand when fatigue begins to appear or when fatigue has already passed. This complicates the ability to properly calculate the strength of the player character. You must return the heavy breathing of the character when he is tired, because the game has no any indicator of fatigue! This sound is part of gameplay. Please note this! Heavy breathing is an indicator of fatigue of the player. If the player ran a great distance and then hid in the shelter, he doesn't understand when fatigue was gone, because player not hear its breathlessness. 2. You removed the groans of the player when he is wounded. This complicates the understanding that the player is injured! When but did self-treatment(after injure), he then has a residual effect (has increased the sway of weapons) If the player sometime does not hear the groans (after wounds and self treatment) then this player, during fight is able to forget about what he was wounded! This is not correct, because player should know that he was wounded and correctly calculate their capabilities (aiming for example) This groans worked for player simular indicator. It always reminds the player about his physical condition. Please return this sound, because this sound, also is part of gameplay. 3. If you use automatic grenade launcher from attack-boat on the sea and shoot in the surface of water, we see, what the grenades does not explode, but the sound of the grenade blast still sounds! This moment, should not sound, because the grenade didn't explode. 4. Again. The cracks of bullets about player character, sound louder than other sounds (voices, radio, shots from the weapon to the player) All sounds in the game should be commensurate. This contrast is easy to check. Check it yourself! Turn on the audio "effects settings", Set all effects by 50% (you will hear the loudness of vanilla shots, bullet cracks, voices, effects). Then immediately go back in game and listen to your sounds, there is a contrast. Vanilla efeects will sound much quieter, than what we hear in mod. Maybe you want to make your sound louder than vanilla, but it's still overly loud. In these moments,the player will not hear other sounds! I use headphones and I have to take them off periodically, because I hurt my ears. 5. If you order the soldier from his squad to defuse the mine, you will hear the sound of the mine-explosion. Please fix this. Just a reminder. 6. When the enemy is shooting from under-barrel grenade launcher, player hear this shot at a great distance (85-100m). I think, too much sound range.
  10. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Ok and thanks. Please do not forget about the sound hit effects, when the player is inside a vehicles.
  11. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    already upwoted... This is not only my problem, i am assured. Because the perception of people is different/ Also the problem is that DragonFyre, cannot normally be used with other weapon mods. I use mod HLC Weapons and RH Pistols mod, but the sound of the shot HCL-weapons and RH-pistols is quieter, than the sound of a shot from DragonFyre. Again contrast... When I play with headphones, my wife makes me do it more quietly! :) Because even she hears the clicks outside of headphones! Note, I only use 30-40% of the total volume! Either way, I think these sounds (cracks) requires alignment with the rest of the sounds.
  12. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    But someone all should be listening? probably only you? Yes! This should be loud! I do not argue, it's cool! But the other sounds are slightly lower. Big coutrast!!! This is problem! Simply align all sounds normal. And Then you can set the volume to maximum! All sounds (effects, music, voices of soldiers, radio, shots etc) should sound the same without contrast. It is easy to check. Turn on the audio effects settings (you will hear the loudness of vanilla shots). Compare them with new sounds. There is a large contrast! It will sound much quieter than what we hear in mod. I use headphones. My volume is not more than 30-40%, and I sometimes have to take the headphones off! SpanishSurfer! probably your audio system is weak...
  13. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    No, I'm not sober, because I already drink for your success!!! :cool: I Just don't know such words "Fyre", don't be angry with me... what this? 1 point) Thank you for your diligence to find sound for the destruction of the buildings. It will be cool! 2 point) If you really found a solution for the bullet hits inside vehicles, I am very pleased! This a better news. 3 point) I think if modmaker want create a good sound work for the war game, then this detail is necessary. 4 point) Really is not necessary (for your mod) I spend the tests. You unnecessarily have removed the groans of the player (when injured) When a player is injured, but did self-treatment, he then has a residual effect. (has increased the sway of weapons) If the player sometime does not hear the groans (after wounds and self treatment) then this player is able to forget about what he was wounded! This is not correct, because player should know that he was wounded and correctly calculate their capabilities (aiming) This worked for player simular indicator. It always reminds the player about his physical condition. Just think about it.
  14. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    1. You only need to find several variations of good sound destruction. But then it will be fun 2. Is it so difficult? Does the sound may affect the performance? in this case, the FPS drops? What problems? 3. Yes, probably other mods have this effect. But I don't understand, you don't want to have such effect in the Fire Dragon? 4. Yes, probably other mods have this effect. But I don't understand, you don't want to have such effect in the Fire Dragon?
  15. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    LordJarhead, in vanilla ArmaA3 a lot of sound problems, many bad sounds and you, in the your future mod versions, can fix it or improve! Please, pay your attention to these omissions also. The vanilla game, also requires the following audio fixes: 1. The sound of destruction of buildings, the game is very bad and weak. Example here: When falls the building, we do not hear the powerful sound of the collapse. We only have the feeling, that falls a little shack, where broken glass. At a distance of 20-30 meters, this sound barely audible( Please replace it! Found the powerful sound of the real falling building with heavy concrete elements and stones. 2. When the player is inside any vehicle, helicopter or aircraft, and this machine is under fire, the player does not hear the bullets and shells in the armor of his vehicle! The player should hear these sounds of impacts! But in the vanilla game this sounds are barely audible or this sounds missing! Example with tank: Please note, the tank received several hits from another tank (heavy gun) but the sounds of hits very weak! No sound of a heavy blow. Or example with aircraft: The plane gets hit by a missile! But no hit-sound! It's really "disgusting" detail in the game:( Please add or replace the sound of hits, for any vehicle! This detail can improve simulation! 3. If a grenade or a mine explodes near the player, the player does not have ringing in the ears (contusion) Example, see and listen(2:05) Something similar this, but more powerful: Please add simular sound effect. It will be cool! 4. When a player is killed, he continues to hear all around. Negotiations enemies, shots, etc. The player has no any sound changes! It doesn't feel like the player's death. Simulation is bad/ If possible, add special sound or special sound filter to the player's death. This may be the ringing in the ears, like the sound contusion or special noise sound. Example here(0:40), Something similar this: Such effects, may overshadow other battle sounds better to show death simulation. Thanks for your attention.
  16. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Yes! problem is solved! Waiting for new releases! Thanks for answers...
  17. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Arma updated fully. v1.36. and I am not use Dev version. When you are planning to make the release of the next version of your mod?
  18. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    message: "Addon cba_xeh_a3 recuires addon CAData" - What problem can be?
  19. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I may be again that it is not properly made. When I start ARMA I get the message: "Addon cba_xeh_a3 recuires addon CAData" When I try to load the autosaved game, the following message appears: the "Game could not be loaded because it is connected with downloadable content" There are no other problems... My friend, I love your work. Now, when I shoot from weapons or hear an explosions, I get great pleasure, because I hear the power! Arma now is better! Thank you for your wonderful work. However, I believe that some parts require correction. (for my taste) If you agree with me, that can fix it: 0. As I mentioned to you, vanilla helicopters crashes sounds better 1. The effects of the bullet (clicks too loud, compared to voices or music) and Sometimes you have to take the headphones off 2. Disappeared shortness of breath player (when tired) 3. Disappeared groans of the player (when injured) 4. The sound disappeared when the player comes on garbage (wooden sticks) 5. Vanilla sniper rifles sounded better(was heavier sound) I will inform you of any errors or issues, because I love your work.
  20. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    The next problem is detected. Autosaved games (Singlplayer or Demonstration games) not loaded. Not possible
  21. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I accidentally found the error. 1. Give the command to your bot install mine or explosive charge. 2. Then give the command to defuse this and you will hear the sound of the explosion! The sound of the explosion works even when Mine/charge neutralized. Please treat this...
  22. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Ok.Good luck in the your work.
  23. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    It's not a question of distance which must be sound. It is a question of the quality of explosion sound. Somehow the distance you can edit! The helicopter has a lot of glazing and for this reason vanilla sound is more realistic and appropriate. Also, the duration of the sound in vanilla longer. This is more realistic. This is perfect sound! In your version(I understand that this is a first release) the sound is too short. I never understood until now. You don't like vanilla sound of hiecopters crash or not? Or your goal is to replace all the sounds in the game. regardless of the good it sounds or bad?
  24. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Thanks for the reply. Please listen to vanilla sound of the crash. This is much better. In addition to the main explosion, We hear the sound of breaking glass! Your sound effects much better than vanilla, but the crash of the helicopter is the exception. Just in the next version don't change the sound or give the player a chance to use it yourself.
  25. mickeymen

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Your sound of the crash of the helicopter is very similar to the simple sound of the explosion (mine, grenade) I think, in the vanilla game, the sound of a helicopter crash after update 1.34, was a super. I think it was the best sound in the entire game! You don't want to leave the vanilla sounds of the crash helicopters? Your goal is to completely replace all of the sounds in the game? Or you can leave the vanilla sounds also? What do you think about this?