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Everything posted by easyeb

  1. For me the transport helicopters lights are flashing RAPIDLY at a very high frequency, like they are constantly beeing forced off but then immediately turned on again (repeat forever). They look solid from a distance but when you get close you can see that they are flashing very fast.
  2. Transport helos lights are flashing. Just me or known issue?
  3. easyeb

    RH Acc pack

    Nice job on the update, much appreciated! If you want to further perfect the EoTech 553 the rear glass of the sight needs to be moved about one cm forward, it's not mounted all the way at the back of the sight in the real world counterpart. Image example: http://cl.ly/image/1W0B2L2T3w0t
  4. Hey look, you solved the hummingbird thing! Good job guys!
  5. I like the load screen logo. It's always been there, I'd miss it if it was gone.
  6. Trying to board 6 people on the Hummingbird (when using it as Combat Support - Transport) is not working out for me. It seems as though the left rear bench seat and the right front bench seat is off limits?
  7. Thanks for the update, works great! I found a neat little way of using this, I attachTo the trigger to a UAV Greyhawk and kind of think of it like a UAV operator relaying the information, that way I can get this funcion anywhere on the map and still have some limitations to it :) Again, many thanks.
  8. Have you checked the keybinding so that it's not interfering with some other thing mapped to the same key?
  9. Mac1, in short ALiVE makes you just one small part of a truly massive conflict.
  10. easyeb

    CH View Distance Addon

    I'd also like it in the esc-menu. When the system takes a dump and frame rate goes really low it can take a while to scroll through a cluttered action menu.
  11. http://www.hdwallpapersinn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/universal_soldier_1992_wallpaper-HD.jpg (865 kB)
  12. Very nice! Thanks alot, this is just what I was looking for! For me it's not marking opfor vehicles, bug or feature? :)
  13. easyeb

    RH Acc pack

    This was reported via PM but I get confused and sent the message to myself so, reporting it here :) I found a weird texture issue on the EoTech 553. The battery compartment seems to be missing textures or have a big bright field on it but only when NOT looking "through" the optic. It's visible a bit when looking around or walking crouched and clearly visible in any FFV situation. Crosses fingers this gets fixed in the next update :) Please let me know if I can be of any assistance or help in any way. As you might have noticed, I deeply enjoy this pack in general but this optic in particular :) Keep up the amazing work. It's second to none.
  14. easyeb

    Laser guided artillery

    Yeah, I have yet to figure this out aswell. Guided and Laser seem about the same to me. There does not seem to be a way to guide the bomb with the laser (like follow a moving target). Still hits on point where it was asked.
  15. Thanks guys! Will fiddle around with this :)
  16. Hi all! I have a scripting challange for you! Yes, much exciting! Is it possible to make a script that opens all Ghosthawk and Huron doors when the vehicle is below three meters altitude and then close them up when they get above 3m altitude? As always, cheers!
  17. Thanks guys! Have not gotten it working yet though, but I apreciate your answering! Edbusana, this goes where? init.sqf? Have had no luck so far. I can see what the script does, I just can't get it to fire up.
  18. So I use team switching alot when I play (singleplayer, have no friends, bear with me). When I switch from beeing group leader to some other group or roll in the same group, the AI group leader (taking over the unit I was just playing) starts messing things up and order my group to board vehicles 10km away, removes my team organization and just acting random. My question is if there is any way to make him just shut up and stay still when I team switch? Thankful for any input. Cheers!
  19. easyeb

    RH Acc pack

    I want to carry you child Robert but I CAN'T!!! Great work!
  20. I for one appreciate the sitrep as it's nice to hear from you guys. But I think (at least I hope) I speak for all of us when I say take your time. With that said; looking forward to the next version!
  21. I'm not the right person to ask, but I agree. All I want him to do is be quiet for a couple of minutes :)
  22. easyeb

    =BTC= Quick revive

    Is there any way to enable keyboard input when you are unconscious? I'd like to be able to teamswitch when I go unconscious.
  23. Sill having a bit of problems with this. I got the onTeamSwitch working making me leader of the group when I change to a unit within the group, but when I change to a unit in another group, the group leader (previously me) starts issuing the weirdest orders (ordering some group members to board vehicles kilometers away and such). So when I get back to him the group is spread out on stupid assignments and mostly dead because of this.
  24. Ok, so I'm not getting this to work. Could you please help with how the staticData.sqf should look if I only wanted to exclude OPFOR AA Missile Specialist?