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Everything posted by easyeb

  1. easyeb

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Has there been any official word/confirmation/awareness of the AI bug with the medical system? It goes like this: 1. Player or AI gets wounded. 2. AI helps out and then returns to formation, but in a "waiting/ready"-state. 3. Waiting/ready AI does not follow group any more and is unresponsive. Like it is not part of the group any more, though it gives confirmation of orders. The result is that after a firefight, the entire group is waiting/ready. And all over the battlefield you see units standing around (probably also in a waiting/ready-state). This is saddening because the thought behind AGM Medical is absolutely fantastic. I feel rude for nagging about this, but it's just so frustrating. To replicate, injure some team mates and watch them be healed by other AI team mates. They might not bug out immediately, but after a few rounds of doing this they enter the waiting/ready-state. Despite this, thanks AGM devs for a great mod, it's really enrichening Arma.
  2. easyeb

    =BTC= Quick revive

    Hi and thanks for a great script! I've ran into some weird behaviour with this script. I've got it set up so you can revive even after headshot and major damage, and it works great. Except for when I'm running ALiVE. BC Revive works great even though I'm running ALiVE, it's just the headshot/major damage part that seems to get forgotten when the mission loads. Has anyone else had similar issues? If so -- how did you work it out?
  3. easyeb

    =BTC= Revive

    Edit: Sorry, this was for quick revive. nm :)
  4. Is there any way to get a "helmet" version without the extra NVG-mount? The mount is clipping through the helmets a bit, it's extra visible on the ECHhelmets where the black mount obscures the helmet-mount. Great addon btw, my hairs stand up when I look back and see a squad of four-eyed nametakers looking back :D
  5. I really appreciate the effort, thanks! I expect nothing. Nothing but the best! ;)
  6. Is there any way to make the UAV view count as air? I don't need more than 1000m view distance on foot, but from the drove view, loitering at 2000m, I need moar. Great addon btw! Cheers!
  7. easyeb

    ASR AI 3

    I'm liking this a whole lot, great job! One question; is there any way to disable this AI behaviour for AI units in your group only? Edit: Found this setVariable ["asr_ai_exclude",true] ;
  8. easyeb

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Great, thanks!
  9. easyeb

    Medic stuck

    I have a reocurring problem where when my groups medic gets ordered to heal someone the medic gets stuck and won't move. Does anyone else have this problem, and have you found a way to get the medic back again?
  10. easyeb

    RH M4/M16 pack

    I am, the optics are not showing up though :/ Maybe I have an old version of joint rails?
  11. easyeb

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Any way to get the optics to work on the vanilla weapons?
  12. easyeb

    ASR AI 3

    Hey, I think I got it! For some reason I had two versions of CBA installed, and when I disabled one of them I think it started working! Cheers!
  13. easyeb

    ASR AI 3

    I'm testing it by just placing me and an opfor soldier, and one opfor squad a bit from us. The opfor soldier does not take of his NVGs (despite it beeing noon) and when I kill him the opfor squad does not react. When I fire on them they get down, shoot back and then get up and act as vanilla. This means it's not working as intended, yes?
  14. easyeb

    ASR AI 3

    Damn, I hope you'd answer something else :) The mod is activated and userconfig is placed in root folder /userconfig.
  15. easyeb

    ASR AI 3

    So, I'm not really getting ASR AI to work. I'm sorry for missing something, but how do I "turn ASR AI on" so to speak? :) I apologize for missing something that is probably very simple.
  16. Hi! I'm making a mission where the player needs to link up with a rebel group and when he/she reaches them, I want the rebel group to join the players High Command. Is this doable? If so: how? Cheers!
  17. I've been fiddling with this and not getting it to work. I get the action "Recruit my team!" but no recruitment is happening :( Using the code in the init field. Edit: Oh, it works if I have no squads in High Command, but if I already do, it does not work.
  18. Great, thanks da12thMonkey! Follow up question; Is there any way to make that a separate vehicle? I'm using a mod (ALiVE) that won't let me edit the units initialization field.
  19. I've got two requests! 1. The "MK17 holosight" with just one dot, not two. 2. The Huron, armed, with the black textures. Can this be done? Cheers!
  20. easyeb

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi modmakers! I'm enjoying the AGM mod alot (ALOT!). However, I've stumbled upon some weird behaviour from AI (I play single player, bit of a loner). The problem occurs when one soldier in my squad (medic mostly, since he's carrying the gear) patches someone up. He gets back into formation, but then he starts running around (activity field saying "move", and then "waiting") and he keeps reporting "ready" and such. That's of course a little annoying, but then he stops following the squad and just stays, he reacts on regroup commands, but does not stay with the squad. In one firefight my entire squad got wounded and patched each other up, and after that they all stopped following me. Any ideas on how to go about this? I would like a command like "be just normal, like you use to be, and don't make a fuss" :) Cheers, and thanks for a great mod.
  21. I've been trying to get this to work but it's not. I get the menu up just fine, but it's like I'm not issuing commands at all. Noone does anything. The only reaction I get is when I try to put IR-lasers on first (no lasers) and then off again, then I get a message saying "Script WWAIMENU\SupressorsOn.sqf not found". Besides that, no functions - no nothing. Any help?