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Everything posted by boombastic

  1. boombastic

    Ultimate Soldier 2

    Thank you for this mod!!! I've tried other mods, but they can't reduce 1.54 vesrsion fatigue and sway for some reason... If i can ask you for a few thigs... First to return a "sway", but make it significantly slighter then Bohemia settings or make it configurable, as well as "stamina" and "fatigue"... (but if i get it right from the upper posts - you already working on it) The second thing is to remove those annoying angle leaning from weapons bipod and also remove up/down, left/righ viewing limitations. As it works now it's awful, it's just folow surface polygon angle that make using bipods useless in many situations. I'dont know if you can fix it, but if it possible i think it will suite very good in your concept of Ultimate Soldier addon. And the last thing, i wanted to ask you is to handle those rabbit invasion :) Their number in game are just insane! ... It's not critical, but if it will cost you only few rows of code, me and whole arma 3 community, and even all rabbits families will be very grateful to you! :)))) Thank you!
  2. boombastic

    Enhanced Movement

    Thank you very much man !!! I added you on steam.
  3. boombastic

    Enhanced Movement

    So maybe you can handle slow movement while being overcumberd after nexus update ? and by the way what about adding grain ? i believe it can take only few rows of code for you... sadly i don't have any programming skills at all :( maybe you can help me with this? i saw your sqf file and also few other mods that add some grain in certain situations and i've noticed that it take only few row of simple code ... but i don't know how to make working addon with this info :(
  4. boombastic

    Enhanced Movement

    Thank you for a great addon! Two questions: 1. Can you please return ability to climb over walls with big backpacks ? I know it is not so fair, but maybe to make it togglble via settings. 2. I've noticed you have some nice visual effects while Night Vision is On. So maybe you can add additional .pbo file to this addon, that will make permanent Grain effect for whole arma 3 world, in any mission, everywhere! Not related to Night vision or something else, just constant effect that add some small (slightly visible) amount of gran to every mission that start. P.S. Why to add grain to the game? I have pretty big visual experience as photo, video and digital artist, and i can share my opinion that in most cases adding small, slightly visible, amount of luma grain to the picture create effect of more live, more harmonic look to every element of a picture, especially when we talk about noiseless picture in PC game. Just try it... and maybe you will like it too. Thank you.
  5. Hi all, I just want to make my custom units based on exported loadouts from Virtual Arsenal, that will be always accessible via mission editor or third party addons, nothing special, just my custom group under NATO or CSAT factions. If i get it right, the only way to do it - to make addon. But i have no skills and knowledge to make such addon by myself, so i need little help from the community. I try to do this by myself, and found this links: http://pastebin.com/9zUxVn07# http://pastebin.com/wtCnGxTR ... so i see that it have only few rows of code, but don't know how to use it :( What kind of file i need to create .bin, .cfg, .cpp, .sqf ? Does it accept pasted data from virtual arsenal e.t.c. Maybe somebody can help me and show some working example of such addon with only one or two units that have virtual arsenal loadout ? And i will continue to add my units to it. Thanks for any help.
  6. dreamrebel Thank you very much! I'm sorry, I was busy last days. I'm afraid to be annoying and dumb, but I can't make this work... I have plenty of questions: ... can i replace this data... , what values i need to use here... , how properly pack this file into adon... e.t.c.... So maybe you can make already working addon with only one or two units and i will just unpack it to see how you did it? And the other thing, does your script allow to use just exported data from Virtual Arsenal or it still necessary to make annoying editing of it? Thank you!
  7. Hi to all ! I want to change (for myself) DMS scope magnification ratio, actually i want to add one more magnification step, by default it have 1x-12x magnification (not sure about the values) changed in two steps, i want to add third step with more magnification. For example 1x-12x-36x I tried to extract weapons_f PBO file but didn't find anything related to scopes at all... So the questions are: 1. Which PBO i need to extract ? 2. What config.bin i need to edit ? 3. Which exactly values i need to edit into config file ? Thanks for any help !
  8. Yeah, I believe many of us like to know how to do that :) I've already contacted dreamrebel he is busy this days, but when he will have some free time he'll help me as he promised. If i will be lucky to make this work at the end, i will glad to share solution with the community, if dreamrebel will give me permission to do that. Actually i have many ideas and complete vision how to improve the whole loadout and units management in arma3, but it must be more complicated addon, than just creation of an additional groups. I'm sure that it can be very useful and anticipated addon for most of arma 3 players. So, if any of mode makers interested to make something more advanced, just let me know and i share my ideas.
  9. Thanks for quick reply! "Could do it the way VAS does it, and apply it to every backpack and ammobox. I gotta think about it." I will be glad to see this option permanently in menu (like "MCC" addon does) without being linked to any object. To avoid unnecessary movement's each time the game start. I understand that such a thing become some kind of cheating, but it can be togglble via settings file or something else. I thought about other "killer feature"... Maybe you will like it. I sure many players will like it :) I also don't know if it will be complicated to perform or not... You say... So, the main idea to implement automatic units replacement with presets from Virtual Arsenal. In your addon player can choose any existing loadout and press button "Assign to unit... " and then choose from drop down list of existing units in arma. Player need to do the assignment only once, not after per game restart and only for units he want to change. When i say "unit" i mean soldier type: medic, AT soldier, sniper e.t.c. That's all... Just after player start any mission, he will open your addon and press "Replace Units" button. The addon will search for any existing or newly spawned units for specific faction and switch loadout into it. Sound simple aah? :D I'm sure it will be very anticipated feature for many arma players! It will add a fresh blood for any of your favorite or new missions! Maybe it even cure all diseases on the planet, and change the future of the whole humanity!!! :D
  10. Man, God blessing you!!! You don't know how much I've been wating for such addon!!! I play only single player, so every time i start a mission, i must to make my squad units accessible via some addon, then then enable virtual arsenal via other addon, then switch to every unit, access virtual arsenal find necessary loadout and aply it to every unit and for my self... The other thing, that is very annoying in arma3, is inability to sort list of already created loadouts in virtual arsenal. I have plenty of them, different units with different loadouts for each faction. But i cannot move or reorganize them after some changes. So I've tryed by myself to edit file with VA loadouts, but have no success, coze lack of necessary skills. I've even asked for some othet modmakers to create addon that will allow to aply loadouts for squad members via menu... But they didn't want to do this. So maybe now you anderstand how i thank you! :) I only have some suggestions for you, if you don't mind... 1. To allow permanent access to "loadout transfer" via ingame menu (mouse wheel menu). It still take to much time to use mods that allow start zeus, than add ammo box, than come to it, than start "loadout transfer".... and do it everytime i want to apply loadout to my squad. 2. Also if i want to apply same loadout to few members of the squad, i need to do it one by one, it still annoying, especially if you have a big squad. So mabe to add checkboxes near units names in squad list and than apply loadout to selected units. 3. Double tap to apply selected loadout from loadouts list can also be a nice, time saved feature. 4. The last thing is to add more options to organize loadouts list, now it allow only move them up and down. It can be great if there will be ability to save them in groups, or folders, or logical tree (you know with (+) and (-) expanded list) Anyway huge thank you for your work!!!
  11. Hi all, I just want to make constant graphic effect of "grain" / "noise" (call it as you like) in every mission, everywhere. I know arma 3 engine allready have such effect. Regularly i use small addon "ASCZ Post-process Effects" created by EvroMalarkey (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26113) This addon allow to apply few presets with color and noise changes via Zeus menu. Since i noticed that it very annoying to open Zeus, dig into the menus and select preset every time i start any mission. I opened this addon and noticed that it include only one small config.bin file that have few lines of code. So i understand that mod maker didn't create whole effects from scratch, he only used arma 3 built in effects with his own settings. So maybe it very simple to create small script with only one effect based on arma's engine? I use only one preset and it have only few lines of code to run... (i only changed values related to grain for myself) It looks like: class CfgPostProcessTemplates { class Default { colorCorrections[] = {1,1,0,{ 0,0,0,0 },{ 1,1,1,1 },{ 0,0,0,0 }}; filmGrain[] = {0.10,0.10,0.10,0.10,0.10}; }; Thats all... Maybe it also necessary to call for Postprocess module at the beginning of code or something like that... So maybe some of you can help me and write some small script that will automatically run with every time i start the mission??? I dont have any programming skills at all, but i believe that to write such a script is only metter of few minutes for somebody that understand. I'm not asking to copy - paste whole addon created by other man, jusy to create some small new addon. P.S. Why to add grain to the game? I have pretty big visual experience as photo, video and digital artist, and i can share my opinion that in most cases adding small, slightly visible, amount of luma grain to the picture create effect of more live, more harmonic look to every element of a picture, especially when we talk about noiseless picture that out from computer 3D editor. Just try it... and maybe you will like it too.
  12. Thanks for reply, I think i tried this before, but not found this to useful because i dont know what to do with .sqf file... I'll try it again. But what i need to do with abc.sqf file when i get it ? I mean how to make it always run on background ? How to make addon from this .sqf file, just pack it into .pbo file ? Ok, i tried it but it don't create .sqf file, it just copy data to my clipboard Let's say i have this in my clipboard, what i do next ? PP_film = ppEffectCreate ["FilmGrain",2000]; PP_film ppEffectEnable true; PP_film ppEffectAdjust [0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,true]; PP_film ppEffectCommit 0; // Time: 7:14. Overcast: 0.01. Fog: 0 // GF PostProcess Editor parameters: Copy the following line to clipboard and click Import in the editor. //[[false,100,[0.05,0.05,0.3,0.3]],[false,200,[0.1,0.1,true]],[false,300,[2,0.4,0.4,2,1,-2,-1,0.1,0.01,0.1,0.01,0.02,0.05,1,1]],[false,1500,[1,1,0,[0,0,0,0],[1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,4]]],[false,500,[10]],[true,2000,[0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,true]],[false,2500,[1,1,1]]]
  13. 1. Does anybody know if there is any difference between arma 3 factions in battle preferences ??? I mean does AI controlled NATO units behave exactly the same like CSAT on battlefield ? Maybe it have some special faction abilities tweaked more to each faction in the game ? Just for example: CSAT units react and aim little bit faster.... and NATO units have faster run and animation speed... e.t.c Maybe there even more global changes like slightly different battle style ? I ask just because i play a lot (only single player) ... and over a time i have strange feeling that there is different behavior in battlefield between arma 3 factions... 2. The other question is there any difference in unit preferences inside the same faction, i mean does recon unit have different abilities compare to regular unit (with same skill settings) ??? 3. What unit parameters exactly changes while i set "Skill" bar in unit preferences? 4. And last question, does sniper ghile uniform really hide you more from AI or it don't have any effect at all ? Thank you!
  14. Hi Fabrizio, Do you know if there is any difference between arma 3 factions in battle preferences ??? I mean does AI controlled NATO units behave exactly the same like CSAT on battlefield ? Maybe it have some special faction abilities tweaked more to each faction in the game ? Just for example: CSAT units react and aim little bit faster.... and NATO units have faster run and animation speed... e.t.c Maybe there even more global changes like slightly different battle style ? I ask just because i play a lot (only single player) ... and over a time i have strange feeling that there is different behavior in battlefield between arma 3 factions... The other question is there any difference in unit preferences inside the same faction, i mean does recon unit have different abilities compare to regular unit (with same skill settings) ??? And last question, does sniper ghile uniform really hide you more from AI or it don't have any effect at all ? Thank you!
  15. Thank you man ! Your mods are awesome ! Can you please give more info about JSRS (Dragon Fire) compatibility ? If i use latest JSRS (Dragon Fire) and your latest version 0.80 together - there will be some conflicts now between this MODs ? How your mod work with JSRS (Dragon Fire) - it add some additional effects to JSRS or JSRS disable your mod because it have it own sound effects ? Thank you.
  16. boombastic

    Proman View For Vehicles

    Great, thank you! Maybe you can improve it, by making user adjustable view angle ? I want to make soldier first person view little bit more narrow (It to wide fore my taste) but in vehicle it's nice to have more wider angle of view like you did ! It also can be great to adjust view angle separately for vehicles, planes, soldier (1st person). It can be adjustable by config file or trough game menu like this addon: "CH View Distance" www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27454 Thank you anyway !
  17. Thanks mate, but you say "your issues" ? you mean that only i have this problem ? Hmmm strange I'm pretty sure that everyone have the same problem... I even checked this issue after fresh system reinstall and clean game install without any addon, but this problems still there... Maybe you can check this issues (GL rounds and batteries) on your system and let me know if have them too ?
  18. Thank you for this addon ! Maybe you can also fix problem with weapons that have GL (Grenade Launchers) - before i save loadout i put grenade inside GL weapon and it ready to fire, but when i load the same loadout, GL is have no greandes inside, so i need to reload it ! The same problem with battery for Laser Designator - when loadout saved it is inside, but when it loaded it's empty :(
  19. Hi all, I don't have any programming skills, so the question is - if it possible to only change parameters (like firepower, rate of fire, recoil, GL rounds type, magazine capacity e.t.c) without digging to much into programming. I just want to take some weapon from the game or any mod and tweak some of it parameters (for myself only). Thanks for all !
  20. Hi, thanks for reply! When i extract weapons_f.pbo i got files with different extensions: .bin, .p3d, .paa, .rvmat which one i need to edit (i guess it must be .bin file) ? Maybe you can provide little bit more information (maybe download links) - which "editing tools" and "convert" tools i need ? Thank you !
  21. boombastic

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Request for Post Process Effects Addon. It must be addon that add Global Settings for the game. I think it will be great to have ability to change (with sliders) color tint by adjusting RED, GREEN and BLUE channels. Also slider for noise or film grain amount. Slider for contrast - global contrast slider, or even separated for highlights, midtones and shadows Another thing - slider that allow to change default view angle for 1'st person view for soldier, i think it's too wide by default, it need to be just a little bit zoomed in for my opinion, so having such a slider also can be nice feature! Thanks !
  22. yep, all other mods works without any problem... I try, to disable this mod in config.sqf and have no result, while game is running, there is still message on the top right (Bcombat 0.17 running) I try to disable this mod via settings just for indication - i check if this file work or not... At the end i interested to disable surrender and flee behavior, but it doesn't work for me, bcombat ignore this settins in file :( I even tried different launchers - no success :(
  23. Greenfist - Thank you! I really hope that Dwarden and other Bohemia guys will do something to improve game performance! Totally i'm wounder about how Bohemia manage their people resources, i mean that the game have so much issues and bugs, and performance problems but with each update from them, they only improve minor things and bugs, and add things like helli flying model improvement, weapon sway changes and so on... but much more basic and important things have no attention at all ! :( They even don't care to make any new missions by them self and completely lay on community, that looks very strange for me ... Valken - Thank you! maybe you know what is average overclocking potential of i7 4790K with good air cooler? SandyBandy - God bless you :) Finally somebody explained to me how PhysX work ! So if i read about new game that will use PhysX i'll need to check if it will use APEX features or not, to understand if it will benefit from nvidia card ? Sterlingarcherz101 - Thank you, i lean more to ATI R9 290 DNK - Thank you, i understand that spending solid amount of money will still give me only "few" additional FPS, but in my case i think if after all i will get additional 10-20 FPS in ARMA3 it will pretty helpful for me. BrightCandle - Thank you very much ! It was really illustrative and helpful info! I think we need to create some community petition to Bohemia with hope that they will pay much more attention to this problems ! At least, it would be nice to hear from them about their future road-map, if any serious performance optimizations will come !
  24. Please help! bcombat still ignore config.sqf file settings! I use 0.17RC version. I tried to use files from armaholic and github. Also tried to disable all other addons. Game launched without "-noFilePatching" Thanks !