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About Bradders16AA

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  1. Bradders16AA

    [MIS]Tow Tractor

    This looks beautiful. Is there any sign of a A3 edition soon?
  2. Bradders16AA

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    Fantastic to these beasts again! If only there was a Tornado inbound too.. *prays extra hard*
  3. Bradders16AA

    WIP importing of PedagneMOD in ARMA 3

    That is superb Aspide! Really looking forward to your release!
  4. Bradders16AA

    WIP importing of PedagneMOD in ARMA 3

    That Typhoon looks quite something. Do you have any images of the cockpit at all Aspide? I remember playing the Pedagne Mod back on OFP, great to see it brought to A3!
  5. Bradders16AA

    DG British Armed Forces

    Awesome port, really enjoyed flying with these. Have you got plans to implement the Flight Model for the Lynx and Merlin as they already exist in the vanilla A3?