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Everything posted by tlftetsuo

  1. tlftetsuo

    Jets - Hitpoints

    Hi Devs, I think it's fairly apparent from many of the comments that what is really in need of upgrading is the flight model generally. I'm excited by the things you've proposed re: radar and damage, but I think real changes to the way jets fly MUST include the flight model. So here are my beefs with the current ArmA 3 flight system: 1. Throttle control (when using mouse and keyboard) - firstly, you need to get most jets up to 20km/h before they roll without needing additional thrust. No idea why this is, but most flight sims use percentage increments (like your AFM for helos?); 2. Roll, yaw, and pitch - a number of comments have pointed out that planes don't move like they should. I don't mind that control surfaces reset after being manipulated (unlike e.g., FSX), but planes generally experience yaw-on-roll and angle-of-attack phenomena (which the ArmA 3 model doesn't simulate); 3. Flaring on landing - one of the hardest things to do in ArmA 3, primarily due to thrust and stall characteristics (as well as control surface manipulation). It really feels like your just landing a brick most of the times... 4. I pointed this out in a bug report some time ago, but putting flaps down on the Caesar BTT at 150 km/h turns it into a plane that can fly forever. Oh yes, this also brings up drag characteristics in general; you can turn the engines off most of the planes at 500m altitude and literally fly across Altis... Anyhow, just my 2 (or 4) cents. Tetsuo.