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Everything posted by dj3hac

  1. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    Just updating my situation: was able to fix the objects not visually spawning by launching CBA with -servermod instead of -mod
  2. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    I'm pretty sure it's required for exile to work properly. I used my exile server launcher for escape, so that's how it got in there. Now that I have it working though, it works completely fine for me, my roommate however is a different story. The only thing that loads for him is terrain, no trees or foliage, no buildings (that aren't part if the terrain), no sandbag jail, no AI, I'm even invisible to him. The AI does see and react to him, shooting and killing him, he is able to hear the gunshots, but not see the characters. We are both on LAN to the server, have the same mods loaded, with bikeys for only the mods used to enforce same versions. Really racking my brains in this one, we have identical installs, there is no reason why it should work for me but not him.
  3. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    I'm pretty sure i read "dont use -autoinit" somewhere. After removing it, AI is spawning, and the log file isn't expanding by 100's of mb/s. TIL: RTFM probably still wont read manuals though.
  4. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    Not exactly sure how to do that, wouldn't I need to host it on my PC rather than my DS? Also, might the -autoinit startup parameters be the cause? I'll frig with it a bit more later after work.
  5. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    The error is still repeating when using the bleeding edge, with no adjustments. My RPT
  6. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    No, haven't touched it. extras I'm running: Enhanced movement, script to replace non-enterable Chernarus buildings with Arma 3 enterables, a stripped down version of the Exile status bar (eventually want this to display some stats like kills, health, etc and i have a watermark with a small logo in the bottom left corner. All of that stuff is working as it should and the error still occurs without any it at all.
  7. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    8:08:48 Error in expression < _dir = random 360; _refPosX = ((getPos _refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 8:08:48 Error position: <_refUnit) select 0) + (_minSpawnDistance> 8:08:48 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refunit 8:08:48 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\functions\DRN\fn_RoadBlocks.sqf, line 44 Because of the error I was getting I mentioned in an earlier post I switched from CUP to RHS. Strangely I'm getting this somewhat similar error and the same rapidly expanding log files, as the above error message is being spammed repeatedly in the rpt. Aside from the jail guards, nothing is spawning..
  8. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    Just noticed that I'm also getting this error, came home from work tonight with a 6gb log file haha.
  9. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    I read a thing saying that I could take the config.bin from the CUP units I'm using, copy it into it's own mod folder, debin into config.cpp, edit the loadouts as i see fit, rebin as config.bin and load it as a separate mod, overriding the original loadouts. 1) does this sound even remotely proper? 2) when trying to convert cpp to bin i get the following error: Cannot open rule file binMakeRules.txt. Error in rules. I made super sure everything was where it should be, and nothing really looks out of place. I tried unpacking a random and working bin file, and repacking it without making any edits just as a test, the error persisted. Not sure where to go from here. Thoughts? thankyou.
  10. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    I can, but that was the problem before. This is to be a public dedicated server, I need it to be at least semi secure, and I can't expect people to download my specific renditions of various mods just for the few kbs worth of changes.
  11. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    Wouldn't that invalidate the bikey? Or is there a way to out it in the mission.pbo to override the mod config? Sorry I'm not the most well versed in Arma code, but I use messing with escape to learn :p Triple thanks!
  12. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    Okay, so not possible with the current system. In previous versions I edited the units' mods to accommodate the loadout changes, but that resulted in ~50GB worth of downloading for everyone any time I changed something, that and I had to re-sign the mods making them 99% redundant. Would that be something that could theoretically be scripted in? I want the keep the CUP units, but give them NIA weapons. Double thanks.
  13. dj3hac

    co10 Escape

    Sorry if this has already been asked, I'm at work & using my phone, navigation on here is a nightmare. I'm looking to add some weapons mods, specifically NI arms. Adding the new weapons to the crates is easy enough, but I was wondering if it were possible to have AI spawn with randomly selected weapons from both CUP and NIA. I'm thinking units would have to be spawned with their default weapons, then have their gear wiped, and then finally be assigned new gear. Not really sure how to approach this, has anyone done something similar or have any ideas? I really appreciate any help.
  14. dj3hac

    Escape From Chernarus - HulaZone

    I got the search heli working today, It was something stupid that got changed in the mission.sqm that I believe was an accident. I changed it from Mi17_INS to UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1 to give players the option to try to fight the heli earlier in the escape with smaller arms. Player skins have been changed, and the spotter class has been changed accordingly (the skin may change again, this is the second time I've changed it any I may or may not be happy, idk.) I've added ~20 new enemy units, I've been trying to give them interesting primary / secondary weapons, but editing the configs for units can be time consuming with all the packing / unpacking involved. As for weapons I currently have Robert Hammer's pistol pack, and Slatts' AUG pack (texture missing on the M203 mount?) next for weapons will probably be an expansion of the available SMGs. I really want to go through all the weapons and remove the ones with broken optics, I know there are probably 10-15 like this. This seems like a fairly tedious job, which is why I haven't done it yet, but I wont be pleased until it's taken care of. The Vityaz_sn has been removed, not only did it throw an annoying error everytime the mod is launched, but if the ammo spawned, and someone looked at it in the gear menu each client would randomly crash within 20 mins, every time. Strangest bug I've ever seen. Here's a question directly for Hulahuga: MON_surrended.sqf is referenced at; //Adding eventhandlers "KRON_UPS_EAST_SURRENDED" addPublicVariableEventHandler { if (_this select 1) then { nul=[east] execvm "scripts\UPSMON\MON_surrended.sqf";};}; "KRON_UPS_WEST_SURRENDED" addPublicVariableEventHandler { if (_this select 1) then { nul=[west] execvm "scripts\UPSMON\MON_surrended.sqf";};}; "KRON_UPS_GUER_SURRENDED" addPublicVariableEventHandler { if (_this select 1) then { nul=[resistance] execvm "scripts\UPSMON\MON_surrended.sqf";};}; "MON_LOCAL_EXEC" addPublicVariableEventHandler { if (local ((_this select 1)select 0)) then { call ( compile format[(_this select 1)select 1,(_this select 1)select 0] ); }; }; In file: init_UPSMON.sqf However, the file is missing. Was this intentional? Can I just remove the above chunk of code? It's throwing an error every time we play looking for this file.
  15. dj3hac

    Escape From Chernarus - HulaZone

    Sorry to raise this from the dead but, My friends and I have been playing this fairly frequently for the last six months. Over the past month or so we've been adding new weapons/units/vehicles, fixing some bugs, breaking some other things :p Wondering if Hulahuga would approve of an eventual public release?
  16. Replacing my modified loot table with the original included by Horner made something actually spawn! I have debugging enabled and it marks the spawn locations on the map. I'm unsure if they are potential spawn locations, or locations that weapons have spawned and they are now inside the floor. So there is obviously something amiss in my modified loot table, either the formatting is the problem, or if it's because I'm referencing weapons that are unknown to the loot system script due to it trying to spawn the weapons before they are defined. I'm obviously way over my head here, but I have a fair amount of java experience and determination.
  17. Hello, long time lurker, first time poster here, I seem to be having a bit of trouble with a particular script; Loot system. By: Horner. I figured that I would get better results posting here, because the script was posted a few years ago and wasn't overly popular. Hell, it may even be incompatible now for all I know. What I'm trying to do is get this running alongside; Escape from Chernarus - HulaZone. However, I can't seem to get the loot spawning script to work at all, not even when its just base Chernarus + that script. I've tried running it as an addon, running the pbo as a mission, I've tried integrating the loot spawn script with the Escape mission file (seems most logical to me) with no luck. This is exactly what I'm doing: Use cpbo to extract Hulazone mission file, use cpbo to extract loot system pbo. Take directory "/loot" from loot system and place it in "/scripts" of Hulazone ("/scripts/loot/"). I then take the contents of init.sqf from loot system which looks like: if (isServer) then { call compile preProcessFile "loot\positions.sqf"; call compile preProcessFile "loot\wepArrays.sqf"; hrn_fnc_loot = compile preProcessFile "loot\hrn_loot.sqf"; [] spawn hrn_fnc_loot; }; And I change the file path to: if (isServer) then { call compile preProcessFile "Scripts\loot\positions.sqf"; call compile preProcessFile "Scripts\loot\wepArrays.sqf"; hrn_fnc_loot = compile preProcessFile "Scripts\loot\hrn_loot.sqf"; [] spawn hrn_fnc_loot; }; I'm then adding this chunk of code to the init.sqf of hulazone. But of course it doesn't work, that's why I'm here :p. I have gotten other addons to with with this version of Escape before, with no problems. (CBA, JSRS, SMK animations) Am I going about this the wrong way? I've spent 8 hours straight, overnight trying to get this stupid little script working, could someone please point me in the right direction, or tell me the script I'm using is outdated or something? Thank you in advance! P.S. I'm running the server locally. ie, multiplayer>new. If you need anymore information I will include it, I am unsure what is relevant in this case.
  18. Thank you for your reply, I will give this a shot. ---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ---------- The two errors that stuck out as more important than the many other errors are as follows: '...0; _random = round (random 100); _arr = |*|hrn_CommonWepArray; if (_random > 60) th...' }; if (_random >...' hrn_CommonWepArray = [ ["Item...' Error undefined variable in expression: hrn_CommonWepArray ---------------------------------------------------- '...r = hrn_veryRareWepArray; ]; _subArr = |*|_arr select (floor (random (count _arr))...' { _arr = |*|hrn_semiRareWepArray; ]; if (_random > 9...' hrn_commonWepArray = [ ["Item...' Error undefined variable in expression: _arr I can see that variable "_arr" is called before it is declared. I am going to repair this and see what happens. Actually... reading through the code, it doesn't appear this way, it looks fine to me.
  19. I had a similarly clocked dual core intel processor, and arma2 OA would run, but not the best. Keep in mind that Arma will perform better on Intel. If you ever have to chance to switch from AMD do it.