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Posts posted by peegee

  1. 8 hours ago, Gilatar said:


    I would love to see a complete Chernarus that expands on the South Zagoria region, but that would have to be at least five times larger than A2 Chernarus, which is probably asking too much from the engine in terms of size and an acceptable level of detail.


    As for the above video with the snow terrain, could it be Namalsk for DayZ? There are some articles and videos claiming that Namalsk will be the first community-created terrain for the game, but there doesn't seem to be any official word on it yet, unless I've missed something. 

    It's likely that it is Namalsk. It's confirmed now, you just missed it ;) The summer areas I don't know. Could be Namalsk, new terrain or Chernarus + with a lot of changes.
    There seems to be a large mountain in the backdrop. That doesn't exist in current Chernarus +


  2. 10 hours ago, Misconduct said:

    I desperately wish people would stop talking about the "IRL" issues in Arma, so pointless.

    Is there any way to make this awesome idea work?

    This thread is ancient. Isn't this already possible? Try getting your butt on with an launcher on to the gunner seat of Qlin or Prowler and equip launcher. 
    Also if you stand up to face forward (TURN OUT) on offroad's bed you can use launchers. So it can fit 2 launchers.

    The MB 4WD can fit 3 guys with launchers :rthumb:


    • Like 1

  3. 18 hours ago, en3x said:

    So first thought I got from this was ETS or euro truck sim adjustment of the seat. So you can customize how front or back, how high or how low your

    "seat" will be. When I say seat, in their case is basically your view adjustment.


    Just a side note, you can already do that. Go to controls -> view. There is controls for move head forward, back, up etc.

    I suggest binding them to a desired key(s) + mouse movement.

  4. 1 hour ago, coffeeshock said:

    When Arma 3 first came out, the lighting was okay, but I still prefered the arma 2 lighting... but damn this new lighting is absolutely horrible, too bright, "shiny" and "washed out"... it looks too "artificial", not like true warm sun light...

    Did you try tinkering with gamma, brightness, saturation...? Even from your GPU's display settings; color temp, hue and all that.

    I've managed to set it to much more pleasing image than what it originally was. At least I think I got it closer to original A3 and A2.

  5. 22 hours ago, en3x said:

    There is a trick to this and its possible in vannila arma. Just goes to show that is technically possible.


    Equip launcher, hold it and go prone. Launcher will be put on your back and your both hands will be free.

    Side note, you don't need to go prone to do this trick. Just press "toggle raise weapon" or whatever it is called in A3.

    E: With the launcher in your hands first, ofc!


  6. On 1.9.2017 at 7:09 PM, neetch said:

    Thx for the advice. Not exactly what i was looking for though because i was hoping that bis would change this in the base game but if the adjustments includes slower walking then it might be of use.


    A similar request has been suggested before with scroll wheel which would be really great too, but i wouldn't mind a simpler (and easier achievable) way of changing speeds like with a key toggle.

    You can already set your speeds as toggle. I use combat pace/jog as toggle. I walk by holding spacebar, sprint with SHIFT and temporarily use compat pace/jog with CTRL when I'm already moving.

    In controls the "temporary" controls are hold keys. For example; "optics" is toggle aim, "optics temporary" is hold key to aim, which is really efficient.

  7. 6 hours ago, romille1 said:

    Camera is fisheyed, would be nice to have one that is not, real nice.

    You turned the FOV too high. I use 96 degree (horizontal) FOV and get some fisheye effect that I'm too used to already.
    Try something like 89 - 90 or even less.

    Download and use "Arma FOV changer" to ease the process.

  8. My two cents: I tought the rule of thumb for air units was: If an area has or possibly has AA presence, avoid the area.

    Generally AA > Air units. Humming and Paw can be shot with a handgun anyway. Using those assets require more planning and precautionary measures.

    • Like 1

  9. 20 hours ago, lexx said:

    I don't know. By my experience, everything BI gets into the game this way has a special purpose. Truth told, though, the Bobcat is puzzling me ever since it was added to the game. I mean, what exactly is the point of it other than its looks? Neither CSAT nor AAF have anything similar, and the only time we ever see it getting used is in the Armed Assault showcase for like 20 seconds... and I honestly doubt they made the model just for that (the scene is somewhat semi-broken, by the way. The tracks / wheels aren't really moving anymore and this whole "pushing vehicle" thing looks kinda awkward now).


    Really makes me curious for what it has been intended, originally.

    The Bobcat is a CRV (Combat Recovery Vehicle),  It repairs, refuels and rearms other vehicles instantly :shock:. Plus unlike other factions repair/fuel/ammo trucks, it's well armored.
    Not sure if even soldiers can heal themselves next to it. That should be tested.

    I'd say that makes it's one of the most powerful assets in the game in correct hands.

    • Like 1

  10. Ridden the exact Yamaha Grizzly that's in the game and can say that ATV physics don't exactly hold up to expectations.
    Arma 3 ATV lacks the torque and power that the real one has. The suspension is also too stiff and there is no rebound. It's like the thing doesn't weight much.

    Plus the tendency to flip and too quick steering are big problems.

    Few things that should be further looked into. The power, handling, weight, suspension. And some further love like working speedometer and fuel gauge.
    E: I forgot, driver and passenger flying off ragdolling in big collisions and first person camera "inertia"(?)


  11. 14 hours ago, teabagginpeople said:

    I know, it has been like this for years. Not necessarily how it was ment to be. Perhaps just not pointed out. Perhaps there is a reasonable explanation. 

    I was awake at night remembering how the toggling behaves, you are right, standard behaviour should be how you described. Not really what it has been for years.

    It just might be a forgotten issue. Time to write a feedback ticket?

    E: Before, I always understood "Toggle zoom in" as in literally it only toggles the zoom in, and never out. Since this has been that way forever, it  even works the same in DayZ SA. :eh:

  12. On 16.6.2017 at 6:47 PM, emehcomp said:
    ARMA III. Please, after the latest Jets updates, I can no longer configure or increase the size of the GPS on the screen. GAME OPTIONS, ARRAY, the option RMB - resize element has been removed. SOS.

    Dev's already mentioned in other thread that resizing is no longer possible with the new panels. It's really a bummer. :I

    • Like 2

  13. 37 minutes ago, teabagginpeople said:

    toggle zoom issue.


    There is an issue with the "toggle zoom in" when using cqb scopes or on long range their secondary . using the toggle zoom in 3rd person it will function properly in and out as you hit the key. but if you try toggle zoom in a aco scope it will get stuck on zoom in. further key press do nothing to zoom it back out. 

    That's because it's literally "toggle zoom in", you'd need to use zoom out controls too.

    Use "Zoom in temporary" if you want the normal behaviour.
