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About LoSboccacc

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  1. LoSboccacc

    TacView Exporter [Alpha]

    should be fixed now let me know if you notice something weird
  2. LoSboccacc

    TacView Exporter [Alpha]

    Last version introduced some wobbliness to bullet traces, just a fyi I'm aware of the issue and testing a fix rn.
  3. link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2739041219 currently logged: infanty, vehicles, planes, helis, bullets, shells, missiles all gets thrown into the rpt file, so you are going to need to clean up the file before feeding it into tac view. this is done in three steps: 1) run this replace regex on the file (i.e. notepad++) regex: ^.*"TACVIEW (.*)"|.*((?!TACVIEW).).*$ replacement: $1 2) remove all blank lines 3) if you ran multiple missions, split the files into one for each mission, using this the start marker: FileType=text/acmi/tacview
  4. anyone knows how this works internally? BIS_fnc_aircraftCatapultLaunch I wrote my launch script and works well however when the launch script ends inside the plane the gear is considered "up" but visually the gear remains down. guess BIS_fnc_aircraftCatapultLaunch runs some anymation on the model itself, and I wanted to peek at the magic to incorporate it.
  5. ugh this game scripting is one of the worse thing I've ever worked with, that's a lot of work both in editor and in code 😞 I'm just gonna loop all units and logic at game start and build a lookup table in a variable, screw it.
  6. LoSboccacc

    AI takeoff from USS Freedom

    if (!isPlayer this) then { []spawn{ player_2_blue moveInDriver plane_2; player_2_blue enableSimulation false; plane_2 engineOn true; sleep 7; player_2_blue enableSimulation true; plane_2 allowDamage false; plane_2 setVelocityModelSpace [0, 100, 0]; sleep 0.01; plane_2 setVelocityModelSpace [0, 150, 0]; sleep 0.01; plane_2 setVelocityModelSpace [0, 200, 0]; sleep 0.01; plane_2 setVelocityModelSpace [0, 200, 0]; sleep 0.01; plane_2 setVelocityModelSpace [0, 250, 1]; sleep 0.01; plane_2 setVelocityModelSpace [0, 300, 1]; plane_2 allowDamage true; }; }; a simpler solution for simpler missions
  7. so I'm trying to move a mission I've built on altis using rhs and alive to a dedicated server. ran locally using TADS or from the editor all is well. when joining the mission as ran on the server I get the "dlc content required" message the mission is on altis and afaik shouldn't use anything from dlc, all unit spawns are from the rhs escalation mod. I've searched around but neither limiting the mission rotation nor launcing on the empty world helped fixing it. anyone can help? here's the server configuration and mission files https://we.tl/t-zQQbP43xty here's me joining the server (yeah you can read the password, that's intentional if needed to troubleshoot, it's in the conf file anyway, ip is https://streamable.com/o0nhd here's the server startup log file https://pastebin.com/DhChw6FH how can I blacklist dlc from a dedi server?