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    • Navigating the world of skincare can often feel like a daunting task, especially with the range of products available on the market. Among these, face creams hold a special place due to their vital role in hydrating and treating specific skin concerns. Whether you're struggling with acne, battling signs of aging, managing sensitivity, or aiming for a brighter complexion, there's a face cream designed to address your particular needs. Here's a guide to help you find the right product for your skin concern.   For Acne-Prone Skin If you're navigating the challenges of acne-prone skin, finding a face cream that doesn't make the problem worse is essential.. Look for non-toxic formulas that are lightweight and designed to combat acne. Ingredients like salicylic acid can help unclog pores, while niacinamide can reduce inflammation and redness. Tea tree oil is another popular choice for its antibacterial properties.   For Aging Skin Signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity require a face cream rich in ingredients known for their anti-aging benefits. Retinol is a gold standard ingredient in this category, known for its ability to promote skin renewal and enhance collagen production. Hyaluronic acid is another must-have for aging skin, due to its unparalleled hydrating properties that can plump the skin and reduce the visibility of wrinkles.   For Sensitive Skin Those with sensitive skin need to move carefully when selecting a face cream, as the wrong formula can lead to irritation or allergic reactions. Look for products labeled as hypoallergenic and free from common irritants like fragrances, alcohol, and parabens. Ingredients like ceramides and aloe vera can help soothe and repair the skin barrier, preventing further irritation.   For Dry Skin Dry skin craves intense hydration to combat flakiness, itchiness, and tightness. A rich, hydrating face cream containing ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, and squalane can provide the needed moisture boost. Avoid creams with high alcohol content, as they can further dry out the skin.   For Oily Skin Contrary to popular belief, oily skin needs moisturization to balance oil production. Opt for a lightweight, water-based face cream that provides hydration without leaving a greasy residue. Hyaluronic acid and other ingredients can help keep skin hydrated while mattifying chemicals may remove away shine.   For Hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation, or the darkening of certain areas of the skin, requires a face cream with ingredients known for their brightening effects. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce melanin production and even out skin tone. Other ingredients like kojic acid and licorice root extract can also help lighten hyperpigmentation.   For Combination Skin Combination skin, characterized by an oily T-zone and dry cheeks, can benefit from a balancing face cream. Look for formulas that hydrate dry areas without adding excess oil to the skin. Ingredients like green tea extract can help control sebum production, while hyaluronic acid ensures adequate hydration.   Factors to be Considered When Selecting a Face Cream for Specific Skin Concerns   Skin Type: Determine whether your skin is dry, oily, combination, or sensitive. Choose a face cream for women formulated specifically for your skin type to address its unique needs.   Texture: Consider the texture and consistency of the face cream. Lighter formulas are typically better suited for oily or acne-prone skin, while richer textures may be more beneficial for dry or mature skin.   Fragrance: Be mindful of added fragrances, as they may irritate sensitive skin. Choose fragrance-free or hypoallergenic options if you have reactive skin.   By considering these factors, you can select a face cream that effectively targets your specific skin concern while also serving your skin type and preferences.
    • by Rydygier & Gunter Severloh   What is Drone Grenadier? This is a script that will give you the ability to drop grenades from a drone you deploy or an existing drone with an inventory. You can add as many as  RGO, or RGN grenades a drone can carry and drop them anywhere.      Code was written and adapted from another code by Rydygier.   VIDEO COMING SOON!   Features Deploy a drone and give it grenades to then go drop on targets. Any newly assembled drones, including UGVs, will get this ability as well as long as there is cargo space for a grenade. Add either RGO, or RGN grenades to preplaced drones, just give the drone a name in the script and they will get the action to drop grenades. Ability to add grenade drop action to drones/vehicles/objects via script mid-game. Drop action is visible, when the player has the UAV controls and there's at least one grenade in UAV's cargo space. Grenade counter shows how many grenades are left you can drop. Option to change color of ammo counter text in the script.   Installation and Setup Setup - Script 1. Create a notepad/notepad++ document and copy and paste the following code into it: 2. Save and name the document:  init.sqf and put it into your scenario folder. // Drone Grenadier by Rydygier and Gunter Severloh RYD_BD_drones = []; //drones to be used as bombers at mission start for example: RYD_BD_drones = [UAV_1,UAV_2]; RYD_BD_addGrenadeDrop = { params ["_drone"]; if (_drone getVariable ["RYD_BD_hasDropAction",false]) exitWith {}; _drone setVariable ["RYD_BD_hasDropAction",true]; _drone addAction [ "<t color='#728d5a'>Drop grenade</t>", // Drop grenade is the text that shows in your action menu { params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _magazines = magazineCargo _target; _grenades = _magazines select {(toLower getText (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "ammo") >> "simulation")) isEqualTo "shotgrenade"}; _count = count _grenades; if (_count > 0) then { _grenade = _grenades select 0; _grenadeObject = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _grenade >> "ammo"); { if (_x isEqualTo _grenade) exitWith { _magazines set [_foreachIndex,""]; }; } foreach _magazines; _magazines = _magazines - [""]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _target; { _target addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1]; } foreach _magazines; private _vehicle = vehicle _caller; private _droneVelocity = velocity _vehicle; private _pos = _target modelToWorld [0,0,-0.2]; private _gren = _grenadeObject createvehicle _pos; _gren setVectorDirandUp [[0,0,-1],[0.1,0.1,1]]; _gren setVelocity [_droneVelocity select 0, _droneVelocity select 1, (_droneVelocity select 2) - 1]; _info = if (_count > 1) then { (format ["Grenades left: %1",(_count - 1)]) } else { "No grenades left" }; // Color of the text for drop grenade and counter cutText [(format ["<t color='#728d5a' size='2' font='PuristaMedium'>%1</t>",_info]),"PLAIN DOWN",-1,true,true]; }; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "(((_this == currentPilot vehicle _target) or (_this == gunner vehicle _target)) and {((count ((magazineCargo _target) select {(toLower getText (configFile >> 'cfgAmmo' >> getText (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _x >> 'ammo') >> 'simulation')) isEqualTo 'shotgrenade'})) > 0)})", 1, false, "", "" ]; }; { [_x] call RYD_BD_addGrenadeDrop; } foreach RYD_BD_drones; //any newly assembled drone will get grenade drop ability, UGVs included (if there's any cargo space for a grenade). addMissionEventHandler ["UAVCrewCreated", { params ["_uav"]; [_uav] call RYD_BD_addGrenadeDrop; }]; Setup - External Script - (optional) Instead of using a init.sqf directly for the code, you can setup an external script that can be used instead:   1. Create a notepad/notepad++ document and copy and paste the code from above into it: 2. Save and name the document:  RYD_Drone_Grenadier.sqf and put it into your scenario folder. 3. Create a notepad/notepad++ document and add the following code to it:  execVM "RYD_Drone_Grenadier.sqf"; 4. Save and name the document: init.sqf 5. Add both RYD_Drone_Grenadier.sqf and the init.sqf to your scenario folder where the mission.sqm is located.   Usage: 1. To add grenade drop action to any drone (probably any object in fact), put its name into this array defined at mission init (not mid-game):

      RYD_BD_drones = [ ];

      for example:

      RYD_BD_drones = [UAV_1,UAV_2];

      2. Any newly assembled drones, including UGVs, will get this ability as well. Of course, cargo space for a grenade is required.     ED-1/E Roller UGVs seem not to have any cargo space for example. Remove/disable those lines when you prefer point 2 not to happen:

      addMissionEventHandler ["UAVCrewCreated", 
          params ["_uav"];
          [_uav] call RYD_BD_addGrenadeDrop;

      3. Adding grenade drop action to drones/vehicles/objects via script mid-game:

        [someUAVName] call RYD_BD_addGrenadeDrop;

      4. Drop action is visible, when the player has the UAV controls and there's at least one grenade in UAV's cargo space. Each grenade drop will remove one grenade from this space.
      5. Note, grenades presence in the cargo space is detected via certain config values of stored magazines ("simulation" being "shotGrenade"). Also 3D object equivalent class is taken from that config ("ammo").    Therefore modded content with customized config potentially may mislead this logic resulting with non-grenades being treated as grenades or vice versa.  ===========   Credits Rydygier wrote and adapted the code from someone else. Both Gunter's and Rydygier's ideas.
    • Try to increasing ur ram to 2048mb my man
    • Couple of videos on this for different things:   Start in Random Locations in Your Scenarios!   How to setup Random Starting Positions for Players, Vehicles, or Objects!  