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OA UAV waypoints and altitude

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Hey guys,

I've been searching the forums and looking at youtube videos and i managed to figure out how to get the uav working in my mission. My questions are:

a) The uav doesn't follow my waypoints...any ideas why?

b) Is there an altitude max for the uav? Currently I'm using this script in the uav unit box:

this flyinheight 820;

c) How do I lock the camera on a specific spot while flying so I don't have to readjust?

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A) You click on the map and the UAV will shift to follow it's own 4 waypoints centered around your click.

B) 300 or so I think it is? You can use Q and Z to adjust the height.

C) You don't. :) At least not without additional scripting which should make that possible, maybe. Apparently it's automatic as long as you stop trying to make it work. :P

Edited by kylania

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c) How do I lock the camera on a specific spot while flying so I don't have to readjust?

Locking is automatic. Just don't move with mouse and camera will be following one spot.

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Locking is automatic. Just don't move with mouse and camera will be following one spot.

Holy! I guess I'd always been trying so hard to even get the camera on target that I'd never noticed that. Neat!

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Hrm, I'm noticing the lock effect SLIGHTLY, but when at high levels of zoom it's not even close to staying fixed on a single location. Whenever the UAV banks, the camera gets skewed in relation to the tilted axis. Also, unless I leave the UAV piloting AI enabled so that the UAV can dive bomb targets I'm "ordered" to fire upon, I am basically completely unable to target vehicles that I want to target. I'm not sure if the weapon system locks onto targets in front of the UAV itself or what.

I remember a UAV addon for the original ArmA that included a camera lock feature that worked PERFECTLY, unfortunately we didn't have the rest of a working UAV insfrastructure in place at the time to allow for complex UAV missions without elaborate amounts of scripting to along with it.

With the changes brought in Arma2 and OA, we are so close now I find it rather frustrating that basic functionality like this cannot be realized.

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It locks, but not to what you want it to lock to, but what it's looking at. From one angle it might seem you're "locked on" but you're actually focused on a point just behind the target so from another angle it seems totally off.

If zooming in too much breaks the effect zoom out more, you don't need extreme detail once you've ID'd a target. :) The main thing is to STOP touching the mouse once you're on target. That's been the hardest thing for since I think it's off target, but it's just the viewing angle.

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i was playing in the editor with the new uav module (operation arrowhead version), but it seems its broken.

Some kind of bug was included with OA, and now some stupid AI takes over the control over the UAV piloting, and also the gunnery slot if not "manned" with the remote terminal. If you just put it in the editor like its on the biki, it starts to fly around enemy units and shots them down, doesnt care about the waypoints and the altitude.

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Exactly my problem.

The only way to gain full control over UAV for me was to remove hellfires from it. Then it keeps the altitude and directions you set for it.

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