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Why am I not able to change the volume (w. db-100) in the description.ext?

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Thats the question.

I have this in my description.ext:

class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {Sound1};

 class Sound1
  name = "Sound1";
  sound[] = {\sound\sound1.ogg, db-200, 1.0};
  title = "";

I execute it with:

player1 sideRadio "Sound1";

When I change the db setting, nothing changes in-game. 'db-10' or 'db+500' makes no difference at all. The sound is playing fine, and the pitch nuber reacts. So if I do '{\sound\sound1.ogg, db-200, 0.8};' the pitch is lowered.

The volume setting will however not respond.

Any thoughts on why this is?

Would be a pain to have to turn down all the files in Audition or something.


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I'm not sure if CfgRadio sounds can be volume controlled like this. Works for other types of mono sounds, but not in the way you might think. It doesn't seem to affect the playback "volume" (within reasonable negative db) but instead how far it reaches. And that wouldn't make sense over the radio. Lowering sample volume in Audition should be an easy batch job.

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Thanks for the reply..

Yeah, guess I'll have to suck it up then :)

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