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GrassCutting Command

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First of all,I'd like to say thank BI for their grasscutter's re-appearance.

but human beings are always greedy so I'm desiring more.

It must be effective that a grass-cutting command which can be associated with range and shape of a trigger or a marker when you mow whole Balota air strip.

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I guess it could make for an interesting set of mission equipment.


Real question is how many slots it should take. Perhaps the secondary primary slot instead of a CG/Rpg7?

Alternative is implementing as a vehicle. I guess that would be more appropriate given Arma2's control/equipment limitations.



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Good idea. Make a ticket and I'll vote for it.

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I was actually pondering this idea myself. Though I suppose it would also be possible to write a function that just places cutter objects in a circle with given radius. Still, a command would be a lot more dynamic. Create a ticket on the CIT (and make sure you really think about a good way to implement it).

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(and make sure you really think about a good way to implement it).

Since scaleable objects (such as trees or rocks or most probably anything if configured correctly) are already possible in this engine, all one needs to do is offer a command, that spawns a scaled grasscutter. Lets have an ellipse and a rectangular grasscutter, skew them as needed and there. Everything needed to offer such a command that matches the geometric possibilities of a trigger or marker - which should be good enough.

Though I'm not sure if the terrain for larger areas would make troubles, such as with object-placing in steep terrain/high gradients.

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I really like this idea, that way we can customize the shape.

I remember when the "grasscutter" made it's first appearance in ArmA, I thought it was a lawnmower and placed it in the editor thinking I could ride it around.

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how about this civilian drone designed to cut grass and snipers.

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