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Battlefield of rts style

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Hello All,

I'm developing a new game system for OFP.

Main function is the following.

-GUI used action menu.

-Free join & unjoin other squads.

-Free organize own squad.

-Own squad member is supplied to other squads.

-Enemy discovery by the sentry & patrol. (Squads reacts to this)

-All squads scouting automatically. (Real & smart AI combat control)

-All infantry getin vehicles automatically. (IFV & Truck)

-Information by the map screen. (More smart than Cadet mode)

-All the battles are automatic. (Even if you do nothing)

-Conditions change dynamically by your action.

-All squads supply automatically. (It changes by the area level)

-Each area control influences the state of the war of the island.

-The addition of the special happening (scenario).

Tech DEMO was completed.

I think that it is enjoyable enough though it is not the DEMO of the complete edition.

please visit a site

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Nice job. I found it fun to try out. I can't wait for the final release of this RTS system. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you Dawdler,

Thank you PaiNx,

Condition setting was difficult. (following)

-The reappearance of the sentry's duty. (A process to the enemy's discovery)

-The control of the squad. (scout,attack)

-Supply system. (It is not the best yet)

Control of US side is considered now.

-US side is different from the defense side, and an area is made a target for attack.

-Formation becomes important than the defense side.

-Supply system. (More difficult than defence)

It is updated if control of US side is completed.

Please wait (a lot?)

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By the looks of some of the ways you came up with the scripts. God that must have taking quite some time to figure out. I will hopefully get to that point someday. smile.gif I can only come up with some good scenarios at the moment, and unit setup, and some minor scripts.

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reply thanks,

If this system is completed, there is the next plan.

I try to do the easy operation of the unit and the variable. (No touch SQS file)

If that becomes possible, anyone can make an original scenario by this system. (Some limitations)

You should make a favorite mission, too.

But, very long time is necessary.

Be the fan of this system till then, please.

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I took a look at the site, and what I saw looked quite interesting.

But I don´t understand all of it (didn´t try it so far):

Just one question: Did you make a kind of strategy-game that you play like in map-view completely ?

Or is it kind of a dynamic-campaign-in-one-mission ?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but it is late and I had a hard week... sad.giftounge.gif

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Hello WolfK33,

It is a fine question. (If my translation isn't wrong. )

I am aiming at the reappearance of the military activities.

The condition that military activities happen is a pattern.

Military activities do a chain reaction.

It is a war of attrition that I am taking a theme this time.

A supply system is necessary for a war of attrition.

A loss is ignored to do a victory at a war of attrition.

A soldier must survive to get a victory.

Tactics is produced by analyzing information on the battlefield.

When it thinks about how to reproduce the above element as a game system.

That is a RTS system.

But, player confidence can't be played freely with usual RTS with FPS.

OFP has the structure that a player can play freely with FPS.

OFP is not a RTS game.

But, the possibility of the script control gives me that chance. (OFP is GREAT)

It thought about the concept of this system with such details.

Then, my personal problem influences this, too.

That problem is because it is difficult for me to understand English.

I can't enjoy the mission of the scenario type.

If it is a purpose only to survive, the understanding of the scenario is unnecessary.

OFP can create the wonderful virtual space.

My system gives that virtual space order.

A scenario is a momentary happening in my system.

My system is always a battlefield everywhere.

Could you touch the thing which I aimed at?  smile.gif

*There may be a matter of English translation.

*Help of the translation software is used.

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Hi Stiff,

thanks a lot for the fast answer!

I think now I understand better! Your English is fine, I think the problem was with my English and the time of day smile.gif

I will download and try it as soon as I wake up tomorrow (my free day...) !!! Sounds really great!

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Sounds really cool! Did you do/plan a MP Version of your map?

I already have some results and experience about skripting MP Maps on OFP. I did a really huge one that is nearly finnished. It also covers some of your ideas like group switching (not yet included). So you can take a look at it: http://powermage.dyndns.org/ofp/

My Computer is not always online so U have to make some tries to get the file. There are some bugs left in the map. Most important is that all Playersides choose an Officer! Without Officer the Game gets a bug and you can't build vehicles and there won't be random events (civil traffic, military traffic).

Try it out with atleast 10 players (5 per side). It's a log of fun to play that map but also takes a lot of time to finnish it (many hours).

You can build vehicles on some special Buildings and with MobileBase Vehicle you can build a base anywhere on the map. Also you can set your respawn at every captured city... there are many other functions available.


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Hello russin,

This system is only for single-player.

I'm not learning the technique which is still necessary for multi-player.


Hello PowerMage,

I tried it.  It is nice work!

I think that the meaning of your mission could be understood.

But I'm deficient in experience of multi-player at OFP.

When I make a mission for multi-player someday, the way that you think help me.

I feel difficulty with the difference in reality of single-player and multi-player.

What kind of element will enhance the reality of multi-player ?

That is in proportion to the degree of stress which happens when it tries to predict partner's action.

Graphics & sounds help the maintenance of that strain.

In short, Reality rises as much as the prediction of the partner's action is difficult.

*It can't enjoy a play if it can't be predicted at all.

With a general multi-player system,

Each other's purpose is known to each other.

If it knows a purpose, partner's action can be predicted easily.

Many players do the same action as much as to repeat a game.

But, a player wants the best reality as much as to repeat a game.

Consequently, reality which a player feels declines.

Contradiction occurs here. (Probably)

I think that many methods exist because of this solution.

I will try this someday, too.

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Well... I think you can predict the actions... in this game you'll have some sessions were you'll explore all cities and find out what you can build in which city... after some sessions you'll know where to find the kewl stuff so the actions are predicted... both players will strive for towns where they can build heavy armored vehicles or even helicopters... so both players will try to catch this spot and then a fight will occur around these important places. So it's almost for sure that most players will try to get as soon as possible to airports, etc. After some time they'll develope a strategy how to get best equipment as fast as possible and so on...

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You think that my intention was understood. (If my translation isn't wrong.)

I have a concept. Is such a system effective of OFP multi-player?

side A Purpose  -> Don't be discovered in B. Some information gathering.

side B Purpose  -> Discover A. The obstruction of the purpose achievement of A.


>side A

-It becomes a victory if it gets information by going to a certain place and some information is gathered.

-A prisoner's occurrence.

*The combination (place and Number) of giving Information changes every time.

*B's AI soldier does defense in the place to get information. (B is disadvantage when MP5 or Bizon is used.)

*All of the teams gather, and information is provided after the time progress for a while. (If it dies, exception.)

*Prisoner's and survivor's rate is always checked. When a rate is high, the offer of the information stops.

*An enemy's vehicles, aircraft is taken by force and used. (A battle with the enemy happens.)

>side B

-If the duties achievement of A can be prevented, victory.

-A is made a prisoner, (When B approaches A, a prisoner can do it.)

-Every vehicles, aircraft can be used. (A limitation may be necessary.)

*The preparation of the prisoner restraint system. (If A approaches, a prisoner is liberated.)

>Attention point

No respawn

AI soldier is not in team.

The defense(AI soldiers) of the place to get information isn't made strong.

Geographical features and each arrival time are taken into consideration.

*A good balance isn't born if this adjustment can't be done well. (Play quality)

It isn't suitable for the player who likes killing.

Because the number of necessary information changes, a victory takes an influence in the luck as well.

A player enjoys tactics, and doesn't compete in the outcome.

I think that it is most enjoyable as a team play. (Probably)

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