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Stupid arma mapping!!

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first im pis--- off mapping in arma today i wnat to try it but its is so worse and complicate then ever i see in a game map editor.

1. anyone who want to try it have always problems to understnd all shi- with pbos ...

WHY CANT BOHEMIA make a normal world builder like in every other game

it sould be like in farcry , crysis , company of heroes ....

everyone could try to make something without problems and mental breakdown.

I hope there will be a GOOD UNCOMPLICATED SANDBOX in the future

ITS just a true everyone knows it.

sorry for hard words just frustrated

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Like every other game? No thanks. That's what I like about BIS games, they're not like every other game. Get used to it and learn how to use the tools provided. It's not going to be changing anytime soon.

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first im pis--- off mapping in arma today i wnat to try it but its is so worse and complicate then ever i see in a game map editor.

1. anyone who want to try it have always problems to understnd all shi- with pbos ...

WHY CANT BOHEMIA make a normal world builder like in every other game

it sould be like in farcry , crysis , company of heroes ....

everyone could try to make something without problems and mental breakdown.

I hope there will be a GOOD UNCOMPLICATED SANDBOX in the future

ITS just a true everyone knows it.

sorry for hard words just frustrated

This rant after having tried making islands only today :icon_ohmygod:

Modding demands a little more efforts my friend.

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You know what they say mate, Hard things are worth waiting and fighting for! lol...

Ive had sooooooooooooooooooo many problems too, here is a recent problem ive had: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101222 though its not really to do with just one thing, its got so much detail and info in there which can help you. Im already building my map now as we speak :)

Here is a good guide which i followed: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_Terrain_Tutorial

and here is so much more useful stuff: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94222

Dont give up mate, there is plenty of times ive wanted to give up, then ive gone on and on and now ive finally done it! im just polishing my map now to beauty! haha...

You know the forums here also has a good community, always helping out, anymore problems then just post it, but hey.... me mroe detailed about it, errors, problems, why this, why that, etc etc ... pics help too!

Hope this helps.

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I fail to see the purpose of this thread other than unleashing another rant thread.

Yes creating terrains requires a lot of work, gives you an idea how much work it actually is to create a game like ArmA II. ;)

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