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Weird eax problems with game theatre xp?

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Whenever i turn on EAX I get weird sound errors, like the sound of running water (!wink.gif or the sound of a vehicle running (even though the nearest vehicle is miles away). When I turn off EAX everything is fine.

My rig is..


Latest Det drivers

Tbird 1.2



Geforce 2 Pro

Game Theatre XP

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A lot of drivers which implement EAX have this problem -- they don't treat the distance to the sound source correctly. As a result, all the sounds appear to be right next to you -- bubbling water from fountains, footsteps, engine sounds, heavy breathing from soldiers a mile away etc.

If you don't have the latest drivers for your sound card, try grabbing a new version (even if it is a beta from a place like 3DSoundSurge), and see if that fixes the problem.

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