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simple question

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good day

am new here , i was looking for this forums ,now i am trying to find out the tools of arma to start mode,world modify training , i am arma2 lover , so i have my question please any answer

how can i setup an HQ support with airstrike and artillery etc... in edit no missions just edit

what do i need to put what's the settings ?

i tried everything ...

is there any....

sorry english not good

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If you want to have coordinated support from HQ such as airstrikes, artillery, troop reinforcements, mortars, helicopter transport, etc: Start up the editor and make any unit you wish to be, then go to "Modules" [F7], scroll down the list of available modules to "Simple Support Module" and place it near the player. Then press "Synchronize" [F5] and drag a line between the module and the player. Be sure not to group the two, you must synchronize them. If you group them nothing will happen.

Now you can press "Preview" and access support through the "Communications" tab in your interface.

If you require further assistance I can create a short tutorial video tomorrow morning.

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Seems to be a missing editing question so moved it here, please use descriptive titles when making threads :)

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nothing happing bro .. i tried everything ... no effect

when i click communications no options found ..any thing other ? what's the mistake ?

and sorry Placebo .. i really looked for help threads words i didn't find any my english arent good ..excuse me

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allright bro if u can make an vedio that's would be fine .. but if u made it don't put it on youtube just 4shared or megaupload or something like that

youtube blocked here

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on YouTube. I'll be posting a seperate link for all you non-YouTubers out there, such as syria. :) Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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thx but maybe the model aren't working good so what's up i did syn between the player and artillery model nothing happen any idea?

---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ----------

oh bro the vedio are 500 mb ?? it's big aren't ?

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yes but it's song problem to got it ... try to pack it, thx anyway for ur help ;)

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