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A couple of questions.

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Okay, so, I know between shit and nothing about modding. However, I do enjoy creating very basic, quick missions in the editor. So, I have a couple of questions.

1: How would I go about changing the loadouts of units in ACE? As in, what files would I need to look in, and what lines would I need to change? Specifically, I'm trying to give medical supplies to every unit, and a lot of them to medics (via backpack.) As a side note to this: could the content of pre-readied groups (under the groups tab in the editor) easily be changed as well? (I.E change a squad from including 2 of x unit, 3 of y units, and 1 of z unit to containing 5 of y unit, 1 of w unit, 1 of z unit, etc)

2: Er, this one's gonna sound pretty stupid, but, where can I find my user profile file? Or, whatever the file is that contains the lines that set the skill of enemy and allied units (I.E enemyskillorwhateverthatshouldsay = 0.899999999999999)

3. In the editor, if I leave a unit's skill setting (the bar) at its default (or nothing) will it use the skill setting I set in the profile section? I ask this mainly because I use Zeus AI, and the recommended skill setting for that is 0.9850(000000000)1. Or, if I set the skill in the profile, will it automatically set all units to have that skill?

Sorry if these questions are really stupid, but I'm pretty clueless. Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by Lucan946

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Use search option. All your answers are here you just need to look for them.

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§22) Use descriptive thread titles

If you start a new thread, please make sure your thread title explains what you want without forcing people to read through your post first. Thread titles such as "How in the world do I...", "Need help!" or "Will we ever see..." are anything but descriptive. We do not allow these kind of titles and threads with such titles are subject to be closed.

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Use search option. All your answers are here you just need to look for them.

Eep. Sorry.

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1) From what I know, you'll need to dive into the ACE mod's .pbo files and find the right .pbo and config.ini then edit the loadout for each unit to give them the needed supplies. I do not have ACE2 installed at the moment so I cannot tell you the exact files to edit, sorry.

2) Your user profile should be located in My Documents\ArmA 2\yournamehere.ArmA2Profile

The lines you're looking for are





There should be 3 or 4 sets as they are configured according to your difficulty settings.

3) It's been awhile since I read anything on this point but I think the unit skill settings and the profile settings control separate AI skills rather than one overriding the values of the other. The unit skill in the mission editor should control

* Aiming Accuracy

* Aiming Speed

* Endurance

* Speed and range to spot opposing forces

* Morale

* Speed of reloading

* Tactical ability

[url=http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_DifficultyBI Community - Difficulty

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