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[OA]High Command doesn't need to be sync'd?

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Why is HC working like this?

One group sync'd to the sub-ordinate module but all Blufor groups/units on the map are present in HC mode.(ctrl+space)

This use DAC and that's all the AddOns needed.


Edited by Manzilla

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Why is HC working like this? I have nobody sync'd to it. Just the modules on the map but no ACR troops sync'd to it and it still works. If I sync the units they don't show up in HC mode(ctrl+space).


If you won't add any subordinates, all units on commander's side will be automatically added under his command.

I guess if you don't sync a commander, it assumes the player is the commander?

What happens if you teamswitch into a second unit?

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What does teamswitch have to do with anything? I'm not using it in this mission.

There's no need to post the reference material. I've been around these forums since the early, early OFP days and I'm more then capable of finding stuff.

But if I do sync them, in proper fashion, no units appear. I've made countless A2 missions and never had this problem setting up HC. Something's acting different with OA depending on the way HC is setup via the Modules.

It's the damnedest thing.

I'm only using OA + A2 vanilla, nothing extra.

This part doesn't seem to want to work.

If you create at least one subordinate ("High Command - Subordinate" game logic) and link it to Commander logic, automatic assigning will be turned off and all groups linked to Subordinate logic will be added instead

In a different example it adds even the groups not sync'd. I'll have to post it next.


It doesn't work I guess. The correct mission link is in the first post.

Edited by Manzilla

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I'm having the same issues. I've got a High Command module namend BIS_HC_0 and a High Command Subordinate module namens BIS_HC_1.

BIS_HC_0 is synchronized with player 1 and BIS_HC_1 (which is synchronized with player 2).

However I've got still all AI troops of my side under control which I don't want to have.

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I'm having the same issues. I've got a High Command module namend BIS_HC_0 and a High Command Subordinate module namens BIS_HC_1.

BIS_HC_0 is synchronized with player 1 and BIS_HC_1 (which is synchronized with player 2).

However I've got still all AI troops of my side under control which I don't want to have.

Did you sync BIS_HC_0 to BIS_HC_1?

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It's getting me too. Missions that used to work fine are now buggered. All placed units on the same side are showing up as subordinate units.

EDIT: For me it was ACE 2 related (1.5 beta). I uninstalled ACE2 1.5 Beta and went back to Vanilla installs of A2 and OA and HC system returned to normal.

Edited by Onchas

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Did you sync BIS_HC_0 to BIS_HC_1?

Yes of course ... High Command works so far except the fact I've got more units under my command than I want :(

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Maybe it's the CBA addon that does it. I had it installed, and suddenly yhe HC module was acting very strange. All friendly units under my control, my own squad also, and the Takistans spoke some things in English.

I'm not sure if it's that, but after i load without it it works just fine. Give it a go!

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When I uninstalled ACE2, CBA went with it. So if other guys with the problem could give that a go and see what happens.

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