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Hi Guys

New into the scripting thing but I'm trying to make respawning work in OA...

I've been trying this:

but its for arma 2 but I gave it a chance...

I read somewhere that changing the marker from respawn_west to srespawn_BIS_US should do it... but nothing...

Been googling and searching this forum but its the same "respawn_west" it finds...

I have tried it from the editor and creating a new mp game... but nothing

sry for bad english :)

Edited by martinda
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sorry not for writing it, but I have already tried it... does the respawn only work on a dedicated server?

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No, if you host the game locally it should work. It won't work in the editor though! In the editor, if you die, it ends.

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I tried to make a lan game and killed myself with a grenade, but it still went to the bird view...

What "name" should the marker be? respawn_west?

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You must have a respawn_west marker for respawning to work.

It's covered in the wiki article that GossamerS linked.

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Already tried it, but giving it another go :)

---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

Okay, I tried it again and it is still not working.

In MPMissions I have two files, the "respawn.Desert_E.pbo" and the "description.ext".

I load up the game, go to multiplayer and select "new".

After the mission is loaded I kill myself with a grenade but it goes to the bird...

Content of description.ext:

respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 2;
respawnDialog = false;

Marker is created in the editor with "respawn_west".

What am I doing wrong?

Edited by martinda

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Your description.ext file should be in the same folder as your mission.sqm file in Mydocs\arma2\missions\missionname\

Open the mission in the editor, save it and export it to multiplayer.

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A very helpful trick is to open up other people's missions to see what they did and how, this inludes all the single missions and campaign that that BIS did (it's all in the missions_e pbo).

To open a pbo you will need a tool of some kind. there are several available but I use Eliteness. Have a look around and you will find other pbo tools that do the same job tho.


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I exported the mission.sqm file and created a new folder with mission.sqm and description.ext and IT WORKED! :)

When you export to mp mission it creates the pbo file... BUT THANKS AGAIN! :D

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I exported the mission.sqm file and created a new folder with mission.sqm and description.ext and IT WORKED! :)

When you export to mp mission it creates the pbo file... BUT THANKS AGAIN! :D

I did mention this:

You have to make a file called description.ext in your mission's root folder.

but it's good that it's working for you now.

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I've tried everything in this thread but can't get it to work. Would the new patch and the DLC have anything to do with it?

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I gave up on that too, did dozens of times exactly as described and still no go.

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I found the problem and can do it now:yay:

When I was creating a .txt file and naming it description.ext, the file was still classed as a .txt file by windows. Depending on your version of windows (XP for me): go to Control panel > Folder Options and go to the View tab and uncheck the box "Hide extensions for known file types".

Now when you make a .txt file and rename it description.ext it will warn you that you are changing the file type, so press yes and it will creat a proper .ext file, then you can open it and put the commands in using notepad.

The spawn worked first time after I did that, so I was doing it right, but the big MS was thwarting me the whole time:banghead:

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