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[SP/COOP]Election Day

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Election Day


Election Day

Its election day in Iraq and your job is to make sure its a safe day for all the Iraqi voters. Most of these people still dont trust us but at the same time they are anxious to practice their new right and cast their votes. Insurgent groups might try to disrupt the election to support those who would not benefit from it.

If there is any trouble and you return fire, be careful what your shooting at. Avoid usage of the M203 if you can, at least unless it is safe to use it. The last thing we need are civilian casualities on a day like this. We need these people to trust us, not turn against us.



- SP or 6 Players

- Briefing

- Tasks & Task hints

- Radio Messages

- BI First Aid Modules

- Choose your own weapons

- Urban Combat

- Intense Firefights

- New ACE SCAR variants

- Iraqi Insurgents

- Civilians

- Overview

- Debrief

Required Addons



Desert Mercenaries & Black Ops

Baghdad 1.1


This mission is a remake of 'Election Day' made by W0lle for VBS2 and he has given me permission and help with making my own version for ArmA 2.


Armaholic Mirror


Edited by Specialist

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Again, I am getting "deleted nzasc_container".

Have any idea what this is all about?

Thanks for the help!

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I have downloaded all required addons, placed the needed ones in Baghdad_v1.1 ( the IED obj, African Foliage and the parts from Afgahni Village .pbo )

and it works fine.

cant reproduce your error. sorry. try updating ACE, and re downloading the missions needed Addons. Should work.

Thanx for this great mission keep up the great work

Edited by markushaze

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- BI First Aid Modules

Noooo! Could you switch to the ACE2 Wound System? It's much better than the BIS modules. Personal opinion obviously but it goes better with ACE2 then the BIS one as well.(Statement of the year, eh. :))

I'm gonna switch it up for my own personal use, unless it will break the mission. Regardless, thanks for making this mission. You sure based it off a great mission. Thanks to Wolle for the original as well.

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  Kommiekat said:
Again, I am getting "deleted nzasc_container".

Have any idea what this is all about?

Thanks for the help!

You need the latest African Foliage & IED Objects that are required for Baghdad, that fixed the problem for other people.

  Manzilla said:
I'm gonna switch it up for my own personal use, unless it will break the mission.

It should be fine, its a simple mission anyway, so you can add whatever you want to it ;) I will be adding more scripts and features in the next update.

Edited by Specialist

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I sent my guys out to patrol the perimeter well after all the attacks were repelled.

No sign whatsoever of any remaining bad guys. How or when does the mission end?

T'was a good mission.


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  dondaddah said:
I sent my guys out to patrol the perimeter well after all the attacks were repelled.

No sign whatsoever of any remaining bad guys. How or when does the mission end?

T'was a good mission.


Hey, Im going to look into the ending because the mission will end when there are no insurgents left in the target area, I think a few may get stuck in some of the streets or buildings because the Baghdad streets can be like a maze :D

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