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Missions (AD,Coop,SP)

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I decided to share some of MP missions. Some of them were played on Zeus, and most of missions we played on our SBP nights. Some are hard, some are simple. Note that all coop missions have only group respawn and offcourse spectating mode after that. AD missions dont have respawn. AD missions were designed around time. So if you die, you will not wait too long on spectating script.

All missions are addon free. That means no custom addons required. Only BIS official stuff. Missions work with mods, if mods are made properly.

MP Missions

Armaholic Mirror

Update One:

Some old SP missions. Nothing big but for pure fun. If you are bored you can try them.

SP Missions

Armaholic Mirror


Kegetys - Spectating Script

BasF - Back in A1 times i took from package and modified one script for personal use... its was called "f_casualtiesCapAdv". I could wrote one myself but why... formula in f_casualtiesCapAdv worked ok :D

I will post some more missions in this post.

Edited by mchide

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One of mission users notified me that one of the missions ended too soon. I found the problem and it was fixed. I reuploaded MP mission pack.

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