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6DOF Addition/Modification

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Hey there, I thought of this minor change to Freetrack/FaceTrackNoIR/TrackIR 6DoF support that could add a lot to its functionality in game; I'm unsure of its feasibility but it doesn't seem like a huge stretch in my mind.

So right now, when you have 6DoF movement (ie. X, Y, Z displacement rather than rotation) you get Zoom and Lean left/right controls; these are useful with regards to things like piloting helicopters and as infantry, but in my mind could be expanded upon greatly by allowing partially constrained floating camera support (bit of a mouth full, but bear with me)

The idea would be thusly: Left and Right incremental lean would remain, but also be supplemented by forwards/backwards lean, and slight Y axis duck up/down support. Now how the latter would be done I'm not so sure (incrementation between the Standing/crouching/A lower crouch position?), but surely Forwards/backwards lean would use the same mechanics as left/right lean.

The usefulness that this would add to the 6DoF Feature of face tracking solutions would be great; The ability to lean out to spot a landing as door gunner, the ability to look over across your passengers and see out opposite window as a driver, the ability to pop your head up over cover to get a good view of the battlefield without getting shot up.

While the feasibility may be questionable, the technology is now here for any level of player who owns a webcam. While I'm pretty sure it won't make it in like most stuff suggested, it would be a great addition to the usefulness of face tracking.

As a P.S., a thought that occured would be what would happen to the regular zoom 6doF control; this could simply be controlled by a modifier key like alt (press to momentarily go into 'floating cam' mode, double press to toggle, similar to other view controls)

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The problem is that you can't just limit the functionality to TrackIR/FreeTrack/what-have-you users, which means you'd need to be able to have the same (or at least similiar enough) functionality with just keyboard & mouse.

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You say that, but we already have that kind of have/havenot scenario with leaning left/right; Incremental lean could easily give the advantage to the freetrack user over the have-not, and yet it's still there; a simple solution would be a pair of keys/modifier-enabled keys that give you lean back/forwards

Not to mention that with FacetracknoIR you don't even need any expensive hardware/silly face gear beyond a webcam, it's not like anyone doesn't have access to the ability

Edited by DaveP

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The problem is that you can't just limit the functionality to TrackIR/FreeTrack/what-have-you users, which means you'd need to be able to have the same (or at least similiar enough) functionality with just keyboard & mouse.

Press freelook.

Hold middle mouse button and move mouse to roll head or move head slightly up or down.

Pecking over things or taking quick cover (like behind the armor plates of a vehicle turret gun), when fps mode only, would be useful and fun.

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Do a Google search for 'Kegety's Armalib'.

Watch the 2 youtube videos and be amazed!

Armalibs 'True' 6DOF would be a very nice addon for inclusion in a future patch to compliment Freetrack/TrackIR.

I wonder if BIS will read this thread!

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