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Need Help - Looking for a few good mods

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Hi all. You have to admit, with the huge amount of mods available and the hundreds of threads on each of them, one could spend days or weeks just trying to find a combination that fits their play style. I'm looking for some particulars and I hope some people can help me.

In ARMA 1, I remember downloading and playing a desert dynamic mod that was sort of this continuous campaign that you and a squad played in. It had a 'Black Hawk Down' feel to it and I remember it being a lot of fun. Does something like this exist yet for ARMA 2? IF not, are there any completed campaigns that do exist that are reminiscent of 'Black Hawk Down' or the wars in the Middle East? I'm kind of tired of fighting in the woods and the grass and am looking for a different setting.

Next question. I love ACE 2 and have now seen SLX, but what's the difference and can or should they be used together? Here's my dilemma - I love the realism, but I don't like sneaking through the woods and getting pelted in the head from a mile away by a rifleman who I would never have seen with binoculars. Ok, the example's a little extreme, but you get my drift. At some point, it's just not fun when you're constantly reloading just moving from point a to point b. Which is better in your opinion then ACE 2 or SLX or both?

Finally, and last question. I have a pretty good system in my opinion. It's an Intel duo core 2 - 6600, 2 gigs of RAM, Geforce GTX 280 1gig, raptor 150gig HDD running on WinXP still, but for this game I figured it would be fine. The problem is it seems to 'chug' a little and for whatever reason, my game never looks as good as these screenshots people post, or if they do, the game is pretty choppy. Any recommendations on upgrading or are there any utilities to help improve the graphics like I see in these screenshots?

Thanks all for your help.

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slx mod is compatible with ace, and is designed to be able to work together.

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I've got a better processor but worse graphics card than you, I can play pretty comfortably on medium/high settings with up to about 200-240 AI (300 and I lag like a mofo as soon as the first bullets fly, even with my graphics on crap its hardly playable) I can play on max graphics with small portions of AI so maybe just overclock you processor a little or get another gig of ram?

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