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Making mission help

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I saw a couple of video tutorials and now I´m trying to make simple mission. I need help with one think. I´m trying to make start like in default Campaign, where player is spawned into helicopter which fly to LZ and drop player team. I saw it in

video. Problem is that it works only for AI like shown in video. When I try it with player controled team, the pilot join player´s team and waiting for order. Does anyone know, how to seperate the units and make pilot to fly without player´s orders?

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make an AI heli and give it a name , set it to flying and give it a transport unload waypoint ,you may need to place an invisible H where you want it to land and join the waypoint to it by clicking on the H as you create the waypoint.

now get your player controlled squad and type into the init field of all the units in the squad

this moveincargo heliname

or in just the leader (named s1)

{_x moveincargo heliname} foreach units group s1

Edited by wheres my rabbit ?

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Thanks, now it works.

But when i set TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint, the heli will hower above ground and kick me off then land and take off again instead of land and then kick me off. Also it kick only me, my team stay in heli. For now I worked it out by adding "wait until cargoempty" into On Act. line in waypoint to give me time to tell team to get out before the chopper will continue to next stop. But it still hower, kick me off, land, immediately take off while my team is getting out.

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you have to set a waypoint for your squad, "disembark", place it near the transport unload wp and syncronize it. (link the 2wp's together)

edit: the waypoint action is not disembark its "get out"

Edited by dematti

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strange i just tried it and if i just put a waypoint with no H it would hover just above ground kick me out then wait for me to get my guys out then fly off

and when i used an H it would land before kicking me out.. i was using eject tho instead of disembark so they all got out at the same time

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