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Max amount of server slots you can have.

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Hello, I've been looking all over the forums, and i couldn't find the answer to this question. I want to have a server that allows 100 players onto it, can a server that big exist? If not what is the max number of slots i can have on the server? Also if i can have 100 slots on my server, could i have even more?

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I believe you can have as much as the engine and/or server can possibly handle.

What specs is your server running on?

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Like Gossamer said, there is no limitation on how much players you can have in the server. Well, expect for the obvious one; Hardware. How much people hardware and bandwidth can handle.

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Hi pviera11

Several servers run missions of greater than 100 players. DAO have run 120 player Berzerk on several occasions.

There have been tests of up to 160 players and I seem to remember the record being 170 Plus.

ArmA has no real limit on the number of players. The limit is purely what your server and its bandwidth cope with. High bandwidth use over your designated limit is very very expensive. So some of those test servers ran their servers throtled back after those tests so they did not go over their monthly bandwidth limits.

The more slots your server has the bigger you bandwidth. Many dedicated servers providers just work on throtle limits and sell a set package and you bang up against them with more players so your service degrades. Others particularly custom dedicated servers give no limits but charge per mb over the limit.

Your second limit on number of players is how good is your server. Stock game servers for games like COD just do not have the high CPU speeds ArmA likes. The better ArmA servers are built by their community. If you buy stock servers you are not going to be able to get as many players on board or have such a good experinece as a custom built ArmA server.

Kind Regards walker

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indeed the record is 170 players at the same time, but that didn't last more than a few minutes.

Record on Arma1 si 122-123 player for 3h straight PvP (NO AI) game.

You can have as many slots as you want, but you are limited only by the hardware and connection (in relation with the number of scripts running, addons etc etc = the fewer the better)...

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softcoded limit is 255

but due hardware or engine limitations the value for gameplay over internet will be lower

(let say around 128 in perfect client / server / network scenario)

LAN wise i'm sure the number can higher

but with such amount of player some other issues might popup in netcode and engien ...

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Hi all

I guess what we are all saying is:

Stock commercial rented servers for ArmA run between 32 to 64 players, depending on how many slots the contract allows.

If you buy you own server and can afford the bandwidth and find a good server host and you can get a community big enough to populate it then you can run a stable server of ~128 or so slots.

Operation Arrowhead has AFAIK improved server operation and 100 plus in considered very stable but as I say server hosts, costs, interest and hardware are going to be your bottleneck at those levels and above.

Only really successful communities regularly run to hundreds of players. Such servers are rarely public as the amount of effort and time involved in running such large scale missions means they will not tolerate or cope with people who do not know or maintain what they are supposed to be doing. The biggest exception to that is DAO running public Berzerk! servers. That is largely because the Mission Berzerk! suits public game play.

Most communities run 32 to 64 player servers, and it is common for such to run a public and private server configuration of one kind or another.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Thank you all very much for answering my question. If some one could PM me or explain to me on here what i could do to run my own server. That would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by pviera11

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Thank you all very much for answering my question. If some one could PM me or explain to me on here what i could do to run my own server. That would be greatly appreciated.

Hey, im the Admin of DAO Berzerk...

128 ppl need at peak times arround 30-50mbit outgoing Traffic.

we had at the start of ArmA 2 arround 80gb and more Traffic a Day.

if u have few more questions, feel free to ask.

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