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How do I stop the bus from vanishing?

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Every time I get in the back of the bus it vanishes leaving behind the AI driver, is there a way to stop that?

I haven't had any luck with searching for an answer.


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What are you doing to it to make it vanish? Sounds more like a serious bug than a mission editing question.

Are you using any mods?

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What are you doing to it to make it vanish? Sounds more like a serious bug than a mission editing question.

Are you using any mods?

All I'm doing is jumping in the back, I have seen this both just adding an AI driven bus or when added using the civilian module, I can jump in the front if if I kill the driver but when I jump in the back it vanishes, the driver does not however.

I've tried this in the Panthera domination mission and CL:R with the same results.

Edited by callihn

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Lol - that would be a funny bug :) Is this reproducible in the editor, callihn? If not then it is indeed related to some script or code not apparent to you.


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I couldn't repeat your problem, I am using latest betas though.

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Yea dude, try making sure you're running nothing but vanilla ArmA 2, no mods or addons, and try it in a blank scenario in the editor. If it still happens, then report it on the CIT, as at that point it's gotta be a bug with BIS content. I really doubt that's the case though. I've used the bus plenty of times and never experienced this.

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Think I found it, the vehicles are restricted in each of those missions in the scripting. :o

Well, maybe not, I'm pretty sure it's in the script, but I haven't found it yet, the script uses a masterarray which I've added it too but it's not enough.

Anyway, guess I'll have to keep digging.

Thanks for the replys.

Final edit:

It was in commonloop.sdf, I replaced:

if(vehicle player != player and !(vehicle player in INV_VehicleArray) and !(vehicle player in INV_ServerVclArray))then{deletevehicle (vehicle player)};


if(vehicle player != player and !(vehicle player in INV_VehicleArray) and !(vehicle player in INV_ServerVclArray) and (typeof newvehicle != "Ikarus"))then{deletevehicle (vehicle player)};

Would be nice if I could make that check for an AI driver, but I don't even know if that's possible.

Edited by callihn

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