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Sound delayed + Particle speed

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Hi folks!

I'm currently working on a nuke script and for that I need the sound delayed depending on the player's distance to the explosion site.

I think I'm gonna do it like this

if (((player distance _nukepos) > 0) && ((player distance nukepos) < 350)) then
 playSound "Nuke";
else if (((player distance _nukepos) > 350) && ((player distance nukepos) < 700)) then
 playSound "Nuke";
else if (((player distance _nukepos) > 700) && ((player distance nukepos) < 1050)) then
 playSound "Nuke";

Anyone got a better idea?

2nd thing: The shockwave should move at 350m/s. What's the correct speed for the particleCircle array? 350 is way too fast, already tried it.

so long

Edited by gobbo

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I may be mistaken, but aren't explosions and sounds in Arma delayed by default?

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Actually my nuke is no explosion, its more a simulation of an explosion using particles and setdamage.

So i would have to place a loud sound source on the game logic on the detonation spot to have the sound delay of ArmA II. If someone knows how to do that, tell me! :)

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OK, apparently all you have to do is use the command:

playSound "soundname"

within a trigger or unit (could also use game logic) I've looked around for sound names but can't find any example for explosion. Also you may want to use this (it is a nuke after all) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/soundVolume

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is that an .sqf or .sqs script?

for sqf this would be more accurate delay, the speed of sound being 345:

sleep ((player distance _nukepos) / 345);
playSound "Nuke";

Much more simple too. :)

Edited by King Nothing

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  King Nothing said:
is that an .sqf or .sqs script?

for sqf this would be more accurate delay, the speed of sound being 345:

sleep ((player distance _nukepos) / 345);
playSound "Nuke";

Much more simple too. :)

It's sqf, but I trid it with dividing, didn't work...

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  gobbo said:
Hi folks!

I'm currently working on a nuke script and for that I need the sound delayed depending on the player's distance to the explosion site.

I think I'm gonna do it like this


2nd thing: The shockwave should move at 350m/s. What's the correct speed for the particleCircle array? 350 is way too fast, already tried it.

so long

1. If you have an account on dev-heaven you should be able to check the source for ACE's sys_nuke. You can see how I did the sound in there.

2. Shockwaves are supersonic. While slower effect may look impressive the wave hauls along IRL.

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So how fast is a nuclear shock wave and what are the speed parameters for the particle circle? I got them at [-120, -120, 0] now, way too slow.

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You can glean some info from "Effects of Nuclear Weapons", the unclassified versions available in many places.

I used around Mach 2 for my shockwaves - 680 m/s.

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Okay, thanks so far.

Another question: I noticed that the smoke particles disappear in a rectangle around the player. Can I somehow deactivate this to create a denser atmosphere?

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I'd have to see a pic or vid to be sure. But the game engine does put limits on visible range of particle effects and how many generators are running at one time. If you go over those limits your pretty effects start getting shut down in first-in first-out order.

For example, when I first implimented sectional destruction of buildings my cloud got nerfed. The work-around was to add a slight random delay to when each building is damaged to add some jitter to the number of clouds forming at once. Given that buildings may take a shock and then fall down later, the effect has some real-life supporting arguments.

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You can see it in the second part of this one:

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Took a look at it, not bad so far really. Sound needs work.

What was yield and distance from blast?

Good news is that I don't think your "box" is what I was thinking about. More an illusion of cloud density than anything. Depending on that yield and it being a ground-burst you could just go for a wave of dense mist and then some sustained, but lighter dust kicked up.

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Actually that version was without the delay script, just delayed it by 5 secs... :D

I've got a dense wave now and dust coming after it with 2/3 of its speed. Still need to find a good vector for the shock wave though. :/

€: Err... and the most important thing is still missing, too... No damage yet. :)

Edited by gobbo

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In ACE's sys_nuke, the routines fnc_damage.sqf, fnc_DamageSectional.sqf, and fnc_DamageNonClass.sqf might be worth studying.

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Yeah I have lk's nuke for reference.

This is how i fixed all the effects now:


_nukepos = _this select 0;
nul = [] execVM "enveffects.sqf";

"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [2, 30, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8*2, 0.5*2, 0.0, 0.7], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0]];
"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;
"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 0.8, -0.001, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8*2, 0.5*2, 0.0, 0.7], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0]];  
"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 3;
"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;
"filmGrain" ppEffectEnable true; 
"filmGrain" ppEffectAdjust [0.02, 1, 1, 0.1, 1, false];
"filmGrain" ppEffectCommit 5;

sleep ((player distance _nukepos) / 345);
playsound "nuke";
player spawn quake;
sleep 2;
player spawn ash;
sleep 10;
"filmGrain" ppEffectEnable false;
"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable false;

The sleep values are for debug, they will be set to 10 and 300 for release.

Last thing to do with the effects is de-spaning the ash. I tried some things but I didn't get it yet.

€: Double flash... Just remembered... 2 more lines and I got that one. ;)

€²: And I got the shockwave now. It's faster than the sound, not quite 2x the speed, but it is faster, tho.

Edited by gobbo

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