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CQB house

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Hey all,

As anyone reading the thread in addons & mods complete of my breachable door will know. I am making a CQB house. So I've got the basic building made with no textures and am wondering what sort of features people would look for in such an addon.

The current features planned so far are as follows:

Every room has a door with the option to either open/close or to breach (of which the breacher would need a breching charge) it. I'm not going to add any explosion to the breach as I've discovered thats not a very good idea in a building so to give a difference the breach option will be faster and will also stop the door being able to be closed again (it also stops someone from hiding behind it to shoot you in the back when you walk into a room). This would seem to be a viable option in my eyes.

The second feature planned is the option to absail down the side of the building onto the two balconies I will be placing so an assault from the roof can be made. I hav'nt had a chance to try this idea out but I think its a workable option if I use something similer to the BAS blackhawk stuff.

So, as stated above, what other features would people like to see in such a building. Bearing in mind my scripting is not exactly up to par and my time is limited at best.



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Hey 7894rmnxj,

I could make an SAS unit as that would go well with this but at the moment I'm more interested in what features the building itself would have. Besides I think there is an SAS unit like that floating around somewhere.



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Yes it's good idea.

But we sholud focus on CQB. As Topic said. :cool:

Maybe next Legion idea will be a SAS units ? Who knows ?

About CQB there is a big problem. Remember that AI crap inside houses.

Thry are very close to each other (if this is group) or are staying back to the windows or doors. In SLX this problem was with partly resolved. But mostly in CWC houses. In Resistance sometimes AI craps...

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Hey Bielow,

Thats true, but the main focus of this is for player use, preferable MP use. I've also tried to make a comprehensive AI postioning without over doing it. Once I've got the doors done and the basic textures I might release an BETA version so people can have a look and see what they think.



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Hmm.. Could You send me via pm? With love to I will be Your beta-tester :)

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Hey all,

Just a little update, I have now managed to finish the textures and now need to start adding the doors and other bits in to finish it up. It should'nt be long before it can enter beta testing and then be released. Depending on how easy I find it to add in the fast roping bit.



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This units would go great with what I'm doing.



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Little suggestion - to make breaching option no nonsense you should add also option to "lock" the doors when mission starts. This way player will be forced to use breaching charge. I think you can do it by adding script...

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Thats a very good idea. I will look into implimenting this as soon as I can. Thank you for the suggestion.



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If You will neeed animation to "Prepare to make entry" let me know.

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