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The Nostalgia Thread

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This is the thread to reminisce about the good old days of Operation Flashpoint. Post some classic screenshots (who could forget Sanctuary's Troska screens?), talk about missions, campaigns and MP experiences, post your favourite addons and so forth.

I'll get the ball rolling.

In late 2006 Tigershark (IIRC) launched an OFP podcast called Radio Check that discussed OFP, ArmA, mods, addons and mission editing. It was very nicely done and had a great format with bringing on key community members and having bloopers at the end. Time flies.

You can still download them from the site below, just click 'read more'.


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I'll always remember my first contact with the multiplayer aspect of OFP.

It was before Resistance, so we'll had to use All Seeing Eyes as a server browser to find servers and join. It was a great browser it was, much better than the Gamespy one.

Unfortunately, ASE progressively crumbled down after having been bought by yahoo, and finally was discontinued few years ago.

Anyways, the first server i joined was running a sniper war FFA mission located on Everon.

There was only 3 or 4 other guys, but i had a blast, as it was very reminiscent of the private owned sniper-only servers i liked a lot for Delta Force 2.

Ping was going up and down for everyone (as it was apparently not a dedicaced server) but it was a very fun game of hide&seek, i think i managed to get only 1 kill as we barely managed to find each other, the Everon forests being very good for hiding.

Fun time.

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