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Campaign ideas...

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@ryguy: Yes, i know but i'd have to change the whole campaign script and i'd have to rework all missions i've already made. ;)

Sorry, I didn't realize we were trying to base the campaign off of a mod or already made script of some sort. I thought this was ideas for any campaign in general?

How about a pilot gets shot down in the middle of enemy territory and needs to somehow find his way to a Sat phone to call for rescue, or escape and evade until he somehow crosses the border? That would be pretty sweet.

He would also need to try to find a civilian loyal to chernarus to harbor him or help him out somehow!

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I would like to see a campaign about peacekeepers or maybe casual casual grunts (maybe something like Generation Kill?). Most interesting would be a campaign based on Afghanistan. Nothing like SpecOp Elite Troop stealth stuff, but more like patrols, defending, reconing and stuff. It would be cool 8D I actually tried to create one, but I couldn't finish because the lack of my skills 8)

For Afghanistan just wait till the end of the month for arrowhead :)

But your peacekeeper idea would be interesting, I might tinker with a mission and see how it turns out.

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Also it would be awesome if there would be really dynamic campaigns. For example there is a mission where player has to rescue hostages. In a casual campaign, killing the hostages would result in failure and player has to start again. What about a campaign that would let player play even though he fails a mission? Then the rest of the missions would be just harder or the ending would be different. I'm not sure how this would be possible with ArmA 2, but after playing with some campaign source files, I think it wouldn't be impossible 8D

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Yup, it's possible but a lot of work. I tried it in one of my campaign attempts!

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Yeah. I bet it's not easy. But maybe it's worth trying even in a little campaign. About 5 missions or something. I just wish I'd have a good idea for a little campaign. Suggestions? 8D

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I think with how ARAM 2 plays....in the case of Hostage Rescue Operations....the Close Quarters Combat and team control is just handled too poorly to allow for this...... It is not in the realm of R6/RVS (originals) with regard to CQC....

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I've never seen a contractor campaign (iraq or afghanistan)

there even isn't a decent contractor addon for arma 2 yet.

Just wanted to say its sometething I miss in Arma 2, while there where a lot of them in ArmA1.

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Something similar to what happen in Afghanistan? Maybe look at some of the large scale operations that happened there.

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ah ok,, I dunno i haven't updated my version for a while. I still think you could do a few decent contractor mission with them.

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