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Help with clutter... It's getting onto every surface :x

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Hello guys, I'm almost done with my Island. however, the clutter is getting onto every surface, making my island's towns look like abandoned. It's a nice look but it's not what I need right now for the theme of my island, which is for a rpg mod I'm working on.

Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


Any ideas on how can I stop the clutter from getting on top of sidewalks, just like on roads and stuff? roads are always clutter-free I'd like the same thing for sidewalks or is there any other object I can use to emulate a sidewalk free of clutter?

Any help & tips are greatly apreciated

Kind Regards

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I believe there are 3 ways :

1° The crude and easy one : use road_invisible.p3d segment, because as you know, there is no clutter showing on them. It's easy to use just lay it like a road ... and it's crude because you can't custom the exact area deprived of clutters . It works, I am using it

2° The ArmA one : use the cluttercutter object we used in ArmA in a separate addon, I believe it's working but I don't know if you must custom the config. I haven't tested the method yet.

3° The other one : use 2 identical textures one with clutter and the other without but you must have a sharply design _Mask.

Edited by Old Bear

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Hmm, the most feasible one wil be your solution #1, however, covering the entire town centre with invisible road will be a pain lol.

I just commented out the clutter class frm my config and recompiled, now there's no clutter, but it looks like ofp lol

I guess I'll do the invisible road one, good idea man, thanks!!

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I'm personally changing my mask layer to have no clutter on the selected textures.

It's more "practical" for me, as doesn't requires to have tons of objects (invisible roads) in the editor.

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The best way is to use the 3rd solution and build a mask in order to have areas without clutter, but it's more work for your mask must be very well designed.

The 1st solution is a strict answer to what you asked for : having sidewalks cleared of clutters so road_invisible laid on each side of your roads/streets et voila.

Of course on the practical side it's quite annoying to laid those parts all over the town, so on a large surface the right solution is not the lazy one, so, for the town use a texture without clutter.

Edited by Old Bear

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I use the second solution (yes cluttercutter.p3d works)

Didnt noticed the first one yet, will try that too.

Thanks for the Info :)

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You can grab the old Arma 1 one Here

... though I'm pretty sure I saw it lurking in my P:\CA\Somewhere folder while searching for something else, so it is included in Arma2... somewhere... I think... :)


Edited by Bushlurker

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I think its better to use the identical textures, this way its confusing for mission makers when they want to see object ID's and they see a thousand of them and then look for the number for the real object.

Also dont think that placing invisable roads doesnt put a load on the cpu, once there is a hundred of them its 100x4 verticies = 400 verticies, thats almoast like a house!

EDIT: you dont have to use identical textures, you can put some mud around the road :smile:

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