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Fuzzy Bandit

Naming Multiple Variables inside a forEach Loop

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Yeah, your loop is trying to allowDamage false on the [flag1, tflag1] array, which is obviously not legal and will give you an error. Instead, do the allowDamage false; on _flag and _tflag as shk demonstrated.

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Aye, unfortunately as I expected it would. Is there any way to select only the first expression?

I know about such things as ((_this select 0) select 0), but not sure about how to do that dynamically with a forEach loop.

Maybe just:

myFlags = [[flag1, tflag1], [flag2, tflag2], [flag3, tflag3]];

for [{_x = 0}, {_x <= (count myFlags)}, {x++}] do {
_flagname = ((myFlags select _x) select 0);
_flagname setVehicleInit "this allowDamage false";

Also, am I right in thinking that:

_flagname = call compile format ["flag%1", _x];  //Will return [i]_flagname = flag1[/i]
_flagname format ["flag%1", _x];    //Will return [i]_flagname = "flag1"[/i]

Edited by Fuzzy Bandit
Forgot CODE tag and entered wrong code...

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forEach will iterate over the array elements, in your case the [flagN, tflagN] arrays. So _x select 0 will refer to flagN.

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