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Music system broken? Not same stereo as file.

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Note that this is from the editor, I haven't checked if there is a difference if I start as a "real" mission.

But, my problem is this: I don't normally have music turned on, but now that I needed to test something I noticed that any tune I play sounds way different from mission preview than when I play the file in a normal player.

It's like the stereo is all gone. I couldn't find any tickets on it, so it's either just me or by design.

If I'm doing something wrong, how or where can I correct it?

Does anyone else have "bad sound" when they play tunes (not sound effects) from the editor preview (or starting a normal mission)?

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I believe all of BIS' games play sound files in mono, not stereo. Or should I say convert them to mono ingame.

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No I'm pretty sure Arma1 had stereo support for Anonymous sounds and Musical tracks. Can't verify that right now, as I don't have Arma1 up and running anymore, but that's how it works in JCOVE Lite. I just copy and paste the music.ogg and sound.ogg and description.ext from my Arma2 mission, and they play just as they were supposed to.

But yeah, you're right. In Arma2 these play as if they were mono. Why did this change? And why didn't anyone notice? :D

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I sometimes thought the music sounded a little different in game than what it sounds like with a media player, but I thought that it was just me. So you may be right.

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Damn, so few cares that this game doesn't have support for stereo? Or does it mean I have a problem with my hardware?

Made a ticket, but it sure doesn't get many votes...

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No, it's the same for me too. I think the issue is the same for everyone, actually. Just some people find it to complicated to use DevHeaven.

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Can you please test it for yourself then, since my "proof" is apparently so weak :p If you manage to get stereo sound from any of the vanilla tunes (compare with how they sound when played in windows), please tell me how you did it. Because I am not able to, and I'm fairly "into sound". If you do manage to get stereo, then it's confirmed that my system is broken. If you don't, is that proof? :)

And Arma2 is the only thing I'm having problems with. Arma1 used to work when I had it installed, and JCOVE Lite works correctly as well. Pluss all other games naturally.

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ok i think You right, at minimum with the playMusic on stereo ogg files ...

investigated now ...

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