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synchronize units with the ("High Command - Subordinate") during the mission

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there is a way to synchronize units with the ("High Command - Subordinate" game logic) after the mission is started ?

it work in the init of the unit but not after the mission was started (in a script for exemple).

I want to add it to VTS

unit synchronizeObjectsAdd [objects]

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After mission init, you have to use HCSetGroup.

For instance, if you have a team leader/member named "Charlie", all you'll have to do is:

//--- unit define the unit that is currently using High Command - Commander
unit hcSetGroup [group Charlie];

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really thanks

it work perfectly in VTS



I don't know if it work on dedi server , I will check it

Edited by gonza

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So I put this in the choppers init box: group heli setGroupId ["help"]

And this into a radio trigger's activation box: itsme hcSetGroup [group help]

But nothing happens.

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if i'm not mistaken, the "groupsetid" command just changes the group's tag on your map.

the name of the group should be that of its lead unit.


itsme hcSetGroup [group heli]

assuming that the helicopter is the ranking unit in its group, and you haven't made it join another group in a script or something crazy like that.

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