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Create your own delimited config list to arma.rpt

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Sometimes when you want automation i.e. in addon creation, you may need access to certain kind of information in an easy to look at way. I needed that just now. Although this ACE list of weapons is nice to "look at", copying & pasting into a text editor was anything but trivial compared to the original Arma list of weapons. In my case, I was interrested in any weapons (from CfgWeapons) dexterity value, magazines, and current cursor it had assigned. Running this script generates a semicolon delimited list I can import as a .csv file into a spreadsheet (i.e. Excel), and do filterings and checks there.

It's obvious to the pros, but may be helpful for the new guy. Hope it is useful to some, I know it'll save me hours of manual typing for my experimental dexterity based weapon cursor addon. There may be better ways naturally, but this is what I came up with.

Oh, the script snippet:

//_i = 23; //=M16A4_ACG_GL
_start = 1; //0 = access, gives an error message, and is skipped for this CfgWeapons example
for "_i" from _start to (count (configFile >> "CfgWeapons")) - 1 do {
_entry = (configFile >> "CfgWeapons") select _i;
_array = toArray str(_entry);
_found = false;
for "_j" from (count _array - 1) to 0 step -1 do {
	if (_array select _j == 47) then {_found = true}; //47 = the "/" character
	if (_found) then {_array set [_j, objNull]};
_array = _array - [objNull];
_selection = toString _array;

_dex = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _selection >> "dexterity");
_cur = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _selection >> "cursor");
_mags = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _selection >> "magazines");
_string = format ["%1;%2;%3;%4", _selection, _dex, _cur, _mags];

sleep 0.02;
hintSilent _string;
diag_log _string;
//After running this you should have a nice semicolon delimited list in your arma2.rpt
//that you can import into a spreadsheet as .csv or perform editing macros on with ease.

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Wow, this could really help me. So the information exported to csv can be used for addweapon, removeweapon, and addmag options per current mods being used?

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It's entirely up to you what you use it for :) But yes, it will output (in this case) all weapons from any mods you have active. I used it to extract all weapons in vanilla and ACE, where I put everything in a spreadsheet. That was then used to lookup and generate new cursorvalues based on weapon dexterity (huge weapons like M107 or ACE_M109 gets a big [inaccurate] cursor texture, while MP5s get a small [accurate] cursor texture, 9 sizes total). Based on this idea. In 15 minutes or so worktime, I had a 1855 line config.cpp with help from some additional editor macros.

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