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Water determines a models fording depth ?

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Title says it all... (actually should say WHAT, not water, got water on brain)

I am trying to build a large vehicle, but its got a rather poor fording depth even with tires of over 3.2m diameter.

:confused: :confused:

Does anyone actually know what needs to be done to increase the ford depth such that its somewhat more ? (looking for about 5m here!!)

Thanks in advance.

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Not good answering ones own post but what I found out may help others.

Geometry, only affects what angle you sit of canfloat is true..

Yes I tried mass etc from 10ton to 250ton, no differeance!!!

Still could not have ford depth more than 3 m

BUT I did work out how to adjust the depth at which you start to float...

All down to the LandContact lod and the points in it..

Well at first it stayed at 3m above what ever the average of the LandContact points where at...

Then I thought (and this is where I worked its that its an average) put some points up at 10m, the more I added the deeper the waterline!

So I can fake a deep ford, but its actually a deep amphib... (wont die, will just float!)

Still not resolved the problem for a canFloat = true;

Hope this helps others

Edited by CBFASI

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sorry.. can't help, but thanks for the headsup on how you can change the value of when it floats. Will come in handy for sure since I got a lot of "canFloat" vehicles to config..

but to make sure I understand what you mean..

you coding a big vehicle with "canFloat=false"; and its super big but when you drive down and the wheels get a bit wet it gets destroyed?

Maybe you should try same "trick" with geo lod. Add a small box with 1 kg like 200 meters up.. and see what happens..?

Edited by granQ

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the geo lod postions make no difference it seems to the deth, but it does affect the balance if you want to float, although I will be doing more experiements

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