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Fuzzy Bandit

What does it mean?

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Semi-apologetic for the thread title, as it's not very descriptive, but it was kind of hard to name this thread!

The point of this thread is for questions and answers regarding the logical side of scripting in ARMA (mainly using .SQF). What I mean by this is the small things in scripts that we see all the time, but their actual function is rarely documented. The reason I'd want to start a thread like this is that I find it easier to learn how to script if I actually understand what these little things do, rather than just typing them out of habit!

So, my first questions are:

  1. What does the underscore (_) signify when naming variables?
  2. What exactly is the function of brackets (), square brackets [] and commas ,?

Let's try and get a nice thread of questions and answers going! I'll try and update the top post with whatever comes up.

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I don't think that's all rarely documented. The Bohemia Interactive Wiki is a darn good reference. When I am not sure about something scripting related, I find the answer in this biki in 99% of all cases.

You're just not searching right (or not searching at all?).

Take your first question as an example: It already includes its answer.

For your second one: Array

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