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suicide bomber??

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always wondered if there was an effective suicide bomber i already have a car bomb but ive wanted to do a market place bombing anything would be apreciated

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Well, one obvious way would be to use the camCreate command to create an explosion on the ground next to your bomber. Execute something like the following code at an appropriate time:

kabum = "Grenade" camCreate getpos suicidebomber1

Camcreate is nominally for the purpose of making cameras, but in fact it can be used to create just about anything, including exploding stuff. Replace "Grenade" with anything on this list to select a different projectile. Getpos suicidebomber1 is a command that would give the position of a unit called suicidebomber1. Kabum is a name you could give the projectile, it's probably not important what it is.

NOTICE: It's reported that camcreate'd explosions don't work correctly in multiplayer. :(

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A suicide bomber is easy. Download this script for example: Suicide bomber from Mapfact.net

It has a built in chance the bomb wil malfunction but you can remove this of course. If you use createVechicle instead of camCreate to spawn the bomb it will even work in multiplayer (if you execute the script on the right machine).

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