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Texture Size Question: 1024 x 4096?

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I want to use a 1024 x 4096 texture, can anyone see any problems with using textures of this size and ratio in Arma2 as opposed to a 2048 x 2048? (cause technically they're the same size ;))

Edited by mikebart

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Aspect ratio shouldn't be a problem but 4096 value can be too high for older ATI cards so I wouldn't recommend using that. Whats wrong with 2048x2048?

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thanks for the reply Norsu, i can stack up more textures and get them to tile horozontally with a 1024 x 4096 for buildings, just to save a few polys.

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How many polys are we talking here? If you're saving only 50 polys and creating textures that only 50 percent of gamers (who can run texture details on high) are going to be able to appreciate, then is it worth it? Unless is at the boarder of the vertex limit and you need those polys to avoid using proxies, I say no.

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alright then, thanks for the answers guys, i wont do it.

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There shouldn't be a problem as long as the texture size is in the power of 2.

Edited by coldfuse

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