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Winchester Delta_1

9th Infantry CTF night on Thursday 29th of April.

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9th Infantry CTF night on Thursday 29th of April.

Hey guy's,

I would like to organise a Classic game of Capture The Flag on the 9thInfantry server. It will be open to all 9th and Public. Because there are not alot of PvP servers around with ACE weapons i made myself some quick CTF maps that uses a different Island than Chernarus and the ACE weapons and wounding system.

These CTF maps are made on different locations on the Isle of Duala. All ACE weapons and other gear can be used against other players. So evrybody get their gasmasks to work :).

For now i made 6 maps. 3 maps are at daylight and the other 3 maps are exactly the same accept for the Night time. One of those maps are close and tight CQB trough the towns of Duala. The other 2 are a little bit bigger.

To join our Team Speak 3 please go to our website: http://www.9thinfantry.net


-ACE Weapons

-Isle Duala

-Keep weapons when saved script

-Keep backpack and content script

-ACE Wounding system

-ACE vehicels

-Mobile static guns

The maps i made are far from professional... But they do their work as CTF and will guarantee some awsome fun.

Hope you will be there.


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If you are interested in CTF buddy....Have a go against some of the BEST CtF teams in Arma on our ladder at www.armaleague.com most of the teams there have been playing since the OFP days so I can guarantee you a good fight.

Zero addons not even ace allowed or sounds etc...maybe in the future, who knows :)

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My interests are with capture the flag that uses the ACE addons... I have been using standard weapons since OFP and never had a good Team vs Team experiance with mod weapons or vehicels. I myself would like to see more Team vs Team games that uses the ACE mod and the islands. I also don't like those really small maps what most people play when doing CTF's or Team vs Team deathmatches.

But thanks for inviting me to your tournament... I might take a look someday when your using mods.

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