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How to add the building models' specular and normal texture effectively?

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How to add the building models' specular and normal texture? Unlike vehicle model that unwarp the UV, I use a lot of single seamless map, in Oxygen2, should I choose every face for each own rvmat files? Is there a way I could do it effectively? Appreciate it~~

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why would you not have buildings UV unwrap? where is the difference?

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I think what MGLO means he used several 'tiles' (seamless maps) for his building. Like one seamless texture for the roof, one for walls, one for the windows/framework/doors etc....

You will indeed need for each texture an individual rvmat with its own normal and spec map.

The downside of big objects if you want a certain level of quality.

I don't think there is a way around it as that is why you add normal and spec maps -> to give something detail. Can't add something like a general texture/rvmat if the detail isn't there in the _co/ca maps.

You just need to keep an eye on your sections count (-> +- the amount of texture and materials you use in a model, often alpha order also adds sections). Section count can be found in the on the lower bar in O2. Points: X Faces: X Sections: X

There is a topic about sections counts and how to reduce them to the limite, as sometimes you end up with more sections then what it shoudl be due to several mistaken and workflows.

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Im pretty sure this is possible using the multi material, you'd need to have 2 UV channels, 1 for the layout of your tilable textures, and another for the _MCO (multiplied colour/AO) and mask texture (different colours for different materials), you'd have absolutly no overlapping of UV's on the second channel.

or you can have all your textures on one big sheet like this: Download Sample (.max) and tile your materials with polygons

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Glad you could help me solve the problem

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