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jw custom

How to check if position is on a road?

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I'm using the



commands to spawn objects in suitable places and they work great but is there anyway to check if a position is on a road?

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Hey thanks will try that, lol i searched for onroad on wiki without luck :p

Right now i'm trying with surfaceType :)

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isOnRoad ? "Check whether given position is on road. " What is that for ?

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Depending on whether you want to place something ON the road, or make sure it is OFF the road, I've also had luck with using nearRoads. Sometimes the AI pathfinding can be confused by objects placed too close to the road.... :)

Something like:

_roadArray = _position nearRoads _searchRadius;

Then have a conditional that counts the array - if there isn't anything in it, then it is not near a road. I'd suggest a search radius of about 20m to make sure a road is nearby.

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To see the isOnRoad command in action, try this:

nul = this spawn {
while {true} do {
	if (isOnRoad position _this) then {
		hintsilent "Yes.";
	} else {
		hintsilent "No.";
	sleep 0.2;

Open the Editor, place down a player unit and copy/paste the above code in it's initline. Now run around and see if you're on a road piece or not.

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Depending on whether you want to place something ON the road, or make sure it is OFF the road, I've also had luck with using nearRoads. Sometimes the AI pathfinding can be confused by objects placed too close to the road.... :)

Something like:

_roadArray = _position nearRoads _searchRadius;

Then have a conditional that counts the array - if there isn't anything in it, then it is not near a road. I'd suggest a search radius of about 20m to make sure a road is nearby.

Thanks will try that aswell :cool:

The isOnRoad didn't work very well if at all(on sahrani) so i played a little around with surfaceType and it seems to work fine but need more testing in different areas :)

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As isOnRoad is introduced in ArmA2, it might not work on Armed-Assault-Maps. But that is probably the case with all those commands.

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